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Presentation transcript:


SECTION 1 513 Map 514 Map 516 Map 518 Map 521 #3, Draw Diagram

Roman Empire AD 117

The Germanic Kingdoms After the fall of Rome (ad 476), Europe was divided into many kingdoms Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Angles, Saxons, Celts, Franks. They were called the germanic kingdoms

THE FRANKS 400s AD settled in the area that is now France 496 AD become Catholic under Clovis

CHARLEMAGNE Frankish King age 29 AD 800 He had an empire, which covered western and central europe “Charles the Great” Had as many as 18 children French and Germans Empire fell after his death in ad 814

The Rise of the Catholic Church Roman Catholic Church plays an important role in the growth of Western Europe Gregory the Great, Gregory I. Pope AD 590 – 604. Wanted all of Europe to be Christian Sent missionaries all over Europe to spread Christianity Monks taught, provided food, taught carpentry, weaving and farming Monks also copied the Bible

Monastery St. Michel France

FEUDALISM It’s a system of organizing society Nobles given large farms if they helped King fight Landowners (lords or nobles) gained the right to collect taxes and make laws on their “estates” (like towns) Nobles governed and protected the people in return for services such as fighting in the army By AD 1000 kingdoms of Europe were divided into thousands of feudal territories (like towns, called manors) Center was the noble’s castle or fortress


Who’s Who in the Feudal System? King Nobles Vassal/Knights Peasants/Serfs

The Feudal System Nobles (vassals) Vassals Peasants Served a lord of a higher rank Loyalty to higher noble was important Vassals Served in the lord’s army Received fief in return for service and loyalty Followed a Code of Chivalry Peasants Had to work the lord’s land for 3 days per week Received protection in return

THE MANOR The lands and fields of the middle ages were called manors FIEF – land granted to knights as a reward LORDS RULED LAND AND SERFS FARMED IT SERFS WERENT ALLOWED TO LEAVE THE MANOR THEY EVEN HAD TO GETS THE LORD’S APPROVAL TO MARRY! See pages 524 & 525

Was feudalism good or bad? Read pages 532 and 533 and answer the questions. This will help you make a decision about the feudal system.

Life in the Middle Ages People produced cloth, metal-work, shoes. Guilds Cities had narrow winding streets, houses were crowded

Life in medieval times The castle-Centerpiece of the manor No work on catholic holidays (50 per year) Peasant’s Diet Bread, vegetables, milk, nuts & fruit

Noble Life in Medieval Times Knights followed code of chivalry Obey Lord Be brave Show respect for noble women Honor the church Help people Many men went to war & women ran the manor

The magna carta King john England 1215 Took power from the king and gave the people rights King had to obey the law

France and Russia AD 843 Charlemagne’s kingdom was divided into 3, western part became France AD 900 Vikings in Eastern Europe created a state around the city of Kiev became the Kievan Rus The Kievan Rus are conquered by the Mongols in 1240 By 1462 the Rus regained control and the city of Moscow grew, they become the Russians First Czar was Ivan (III) the Great in 1462

The crusades Christians and Muslims battle over Jerusalem Pope urban II vs. Saladin 1095 Pope Urban speaks launches a crusade “holy war” against the Muslims 1098 1st crusade, Christians are victorious 1174 Saladin becomes Muslim ruler and strikes back taking Jerusalem in 1187

The crusades 10 crusades in total 3rd crusade led by Richard “the Lion Hearted” of England = Truce between Richard and Saladin 10 crusades in total by 1291 the Muslims had reconquered all of their lost land

The church & society Life revolved around the church Saints Church worked to end heresy, the practice of speaking out against church teachings the inquisition-church court that tried heretics

The black death known as “the Plague” Came from fleas on Rats from ships and caravans Between 19 – 38 million Europeans died between 1347-1351 About 1/3 of the European population

Who was Joan of Arc? 1429 peasant French girl tells the French King that saints told her to free France from England King Charles permitted her to go with the French army, she motivated them to victory at the Battle of Orleans Captured by the English and put before the Inquisition She was burned at the stake