Results and Publication Plans for the Dalhousie and Toronto FTS teams 27 February 2012, BORTAS Telecon Debora Doeringer, Jonathan Franklin, Cynthia Whaley, Kaley Walker, Kimberly Strong, Jim Drummond, David Waugh, Jeff Pierce, Lucy Chisholm
Outline Measurements over Halifax Measurements over Toronto and back trajectories Publication Plans –Part 1 paper by J. Franklin –Part 2 paper by D. Doeringer
PARIS and DAO Complete PARIS and DAO-DA8 CO time series from during the campaign between 10 July and 24 August, 2011 ( data has NOT been smoothed onto same AK grid ).
PARIS, DAO and IASI during the July enhancement PARIS, IASI, and DAO-DA8 data between 19 and 22 July, 2011 (the only period where both PARIS and DAO-DA8 see an enhancement). FLEXPART and HYSPLIT back trajectories (not shown) show the enhancements are likely due to boreal fires in western Ontario (between 18 and 20 July). IASI data are +/- 0.5 degree in latitude and longitude around Halifax (due to sensitivity of CO retrievals being very close to the surface). Data has not yet been smoothed onto the same AK yet
PARIS, DAO and IASI during the July enhancement continued... DA8 PARIS Once DAO-DA8 data is smoothed to PARIS, the various data sets match up beautifully. – NOTE: Spike seen in DA8 data earlier on the 20 th disappears. If plume was at 7-12 km then PARIS would have little sensitivity to it.
DAO DA8 vs. Sun Photometer 20 July 2011 The higher alt plume seen by the DA8 is NOT associated with aerosols. AIRS & MODIS images (~1800 UTC, AQUA) show a “hole” in the total column AOD, but still show elevated total column CO. » Sun Photometer located at Dalhousie clearly detects lower plume starting around 2100 UTC on 20 July, but sees nothing earlier in day. 20 July 21 July
Toronto Atmospheric Observatory Toronto saw a small enhancement in CO on July 20 th, and a large enhancement in C2H6 on July 21 st. David’s back trajectories for Toronto show wind from fire region on the th, but not on the 21 st.... However.... 20 July, 12UT 21 July, 12UT
Forward trajectories for Toronto From David’s forward trajectories (not shown, but TAO back trajectories shown below) it appears that the closest approach to TAO from the RED LAKE fires occurred on 12Z 19 July, and then again at ~12Z 20 July possibly lasting into the afternoon of that day – this may be responsible for the small CO enhancement on the 20 th. From David’s forward trajectories (not shown) for the SIOUX LOOKOUT fires it appears that the 'best fit' is for a trajectory pass over the TAO a few hours either side of 06Z 21 July – this may be responsible for the C2H6 enhancement on the 21 st. Back trajectories (forward not shown) 19 July, 12UT 20 July, 12UT
Publication Plans We see the Canadian FTS teams writing two papers, one led by Jonathan, and one by Debora: –Jonathan's paper will focus on the aerosol/trace gas discrepancy seen at Halifax (DAO-DA8, AERONET) and will follow the transport of the upper plume detected by the DAO-DA8 on 20 July. The possibility of aerosol removal via precipitation will be investigated. –Debora's paper will focus on using measurements from Halifax and Toronto (DAO-DA8, TAO-DA8, PARIS) as well as IASI, FLEXPART, and GEOS-chem data to look at the lower altitude plumes seen at the two sites. –The focus of both papers continue to evolve as we more carefully examine the different data sets.