KS Parent Information Evening Teacher- Miss Stacey Rahilly
Class Requirements To assist in your child’s schooling requirements, I have compiled a list of essential school equipment. These include: * 2 (large size)Bostick glue sticks * Plastic envelope for notes and home reader * 1 large box of tissue * 4 whiteboard markers * Pagewood Public School hat * 1 art smock/apron/old t-shirt * Library bag * I roll of paper towel * Most of you have already brought all of these items in. Thank you it is highly appreciated.
Curriculum The curriculum covers 6 Key Learning Areas – English, Mathematics, H.S.I.E, Science and Technology, Creative Arts and P.E, P.D and Health. Your Class Newsletter has more information on what the students will be specifically learning about in each key learning area. Assessing Constant assessment occurs throughout the year. Student Reports go home twice a year to report on your child’s progress. Parent teacher interviews are held halfway through the year. You may make an appointment to discuss your child’s progress during the year.
Homework Homework will consist of Home Reading and sight words. Home Reading has already started if your child has returned their home reading contract. Please ensure your child reads every night and returns their book to school each day. Home Readers will not be sent home over the weekend. Home Reading books are sent home at an independent level as they are intended for enjoyment. Please ensure that your child’s book and Reading Log are kept in a plastic envelope. In class students will be learning three sight words each week. A list of these words has already been sent home for you to practise with your child at home.
Homework In addition to the usual homework, your child has access to Studyladder – a web-based educational program. All students have been given a password to access the website There will be new tasks posted regularly for students to complete which reinforce what we have been teaching in English and Mathematics. It is not compulsory for your child to use Studyladder at home, however regular access will help your child to reinforce what they have learnt in school. It will also help to build their confidence through practice
Important Days For KS Tuesday - Scripture, Money Day Wednesday –Library, Assembly 1.50pm Friday - French/Mandarin lessons and Sport Scripture Scripture is on Tuesdays at 9:15 – 9:50am. Students go straight to their scripture class when the bell rings. Library Your child needs to bring a library bag every time they borrow. Please put a cloth bag labelled with your child’s name inside his/her school bag for the next library visit. Students will return and borrow books during their allocated time. You do not need to return the book before their library lesson.
Cheerful Chatter (News) All children will be participating in weekly Cheerful Chatter. This is a part of the English Speaking and Listening program. For Term 1, students can choose what they would like to talk about. Students may bring in a small item (or a photograph of a valuable item) to help them think of things to say. (A note has already been sent home with what day your child has their cheerful chatter on).
Friday Sport Assembly A whole school assembly will be held each Wednesday afternoon at 1:50pm. Parents and visitors are welcome to attend. Each class will participate in developing their fundamental movement skills during sport lessons. The students will participate in a one hour infants’ sport lesson on Fridays. There will be other opportunities for physical education throughout the year such as dance, gymnastics and outdoor activities. Hats Please ensure that your child brings his/her hat every day. If they don’t have a hat they will have to play in the shade. Please ensure that your child’s name and class are clearly visible on all items of clothing.
Money Collection Money day is Tuesday – please do not send any money to school on other days as we do not have any safe or secure storage areas. Please place any notes or money in your child's plastic communication/home reading folder. Please ensure all money is in an envelope or zip-lock bag and is clearly labelled with your child’s name and what the money is for. You also have the option of paying online. If you pay online, please remember to still return all relevant permission notes to the class teacher.
Absences If your child is absent from school, please send a signed note explaining the absence on your child’s first day back. There is no need to call the school unless it is an excursion day or if your child will be away for an extended period of time. Late Arrivals/Early Departures If your child is late to school, you must accompany him/her to the office and obtain a late slip. If your child needs to leave school early, please go to the office to sign your child out. You may then collect your child from class.
Home/School Communication All students will need a plastic envelope for their home reader and notes. All notes to be sent home will be in this folder so please ensure that your child’s folder is in their bag each day. Notes can be sent home on any day of the week so make sure to check your child’s folder each day. Feel free to use this folder to return permission notes and money, or general notes for me.
Crunch and Sip We have Crunch and Sip everyday so please ensure your child has fruit or vegetables and a bottle of water each day. Canteen The canteen is open on Wednesdays and Fridays. Students ordering lunch must do so before 9:15am. Birthdays Feel free to bring in cupcakes, donuts or other small individual treats for your child’s birthday Make sure that these products do not contain nuts.
Morning/Afternoon Routines In the morning, encourage your child to leave their bag into the bag room and then leave promptly to the playground. If it is wet or rainy, students will play in the sheltered areas near the hall. A bell will ring twice if the rain becomes too heavy and students may then come into the classroom. In the afternoon, it would be appreciated if parents could refrain from waiting near the windows as this can be very distracting for the class. Parent Helpers While the students are settling into school routines during Term 1, I will not require any parent helpers. However, I will be looking for parent heIpers later in the year. If you would like to be a parent helper, please ensure you have completed and returned a Prohibited Declaration form.
Should you ever need to contact me, you can reach me via on the following address:
Thank you for attending this session and I wish you and your child a happy and successful 2016!