Challenges for Contemporary Ethics Cultural diversity Technological innovation Globalization
Cultural Diversity Culture is an aspect of personal identity Based on religion, language, custom Expressed through symbolic behavior such as distinctive clothing or ritual observance Challenge: in a pluralistic, liberal, democratic society, how to respect and recognize cultural diversity
Technological innovation Technology is a set of tools (physical or conceptual) built to supplement and/or alter natural human capabilities. Education both uses technology (in the popular sense of computers or AV presentations) and is a technology (transmitting past knowledge increases human capabilities) Medicine both uses technology (i.e. CAT scan) and is a technology that extends human capabilities (resistance to illness, fertility, life span)
Technological innovation Challenge: applying moral norms to novel situations that emerge at a rapid rate Morality evolves over long periods of time, in response to major change Rapid technological innovation produces major changes for which traditional morality provides no clear framework (egs: fertility technology; communication technology)
Globalization Defined as a process of expanding flow of capital, work, and ideas across political and cultural boundaries Our models of economics, citizenship, work/leisure, ; ways of life and identity are challenged by globalization, along with the moral norms that govern personal decisions Globalization weakens the clear, stable boundaries that individual autonomy, rational choice, and respect for other’s rights need in order to function well.
Globalization Challenge: how to enjoy the benefits associated with globalization while lowering the costs of globalization; Challenge for ethics: to develop new models of: Agency and responsibility Identity Community