Mrs. Breeding 6 th Grade STARS
WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A STAR AND A PLANET? When we look up at the night star it is hard to see the difference. We know that stars twinkle but planets don’t. Why?????
Stars are born and they die. They are born in huge, cold clouds of gas and dust, known as nebulas. When a clump of material becomes so hot and dense a nuclear reaction occurs. When the temperature reaches 10 million degrees Celsius, the clump becomes a new star. A STAR IS BORN!
Red Stars- Coolest Blue Stars- Hottest Yellow Stars (Sun)- In between Stars come in many different sizes, our sun is a medium size star. DIFFERENT TYPES OF STARS
Nearly all stars belong to gigantic groups known as galaxies. There are different galaxies of different shapes and sizes. Spiral Elliptical Irregular The Universe is expanding, most galaxies are moving apart at high speed. GALAXIES
Black holes are formed when massive stars run out of fuel to burn and collapse inward into the shape of a sphere. A black hole is an area within the universe in which the force of gravity prevents anything from escaping including light. Most scientist agree that black holes form in the center of galaxies BLACK HOLES
Most stars take millions of years to die. When a star like the sun has burned all of its hydrogen fuel, it can expand and become a red giant. After puffing off its outer layers, the star collapses to form a very dense white dwarf. One teaspoon of material from a white dwarf would weigh up to 100 tons. STAR DEATH
Stars heavier than eight times the mass of the sun end their lives very suddenly. When they run out of fuel,They swell into red supergiants. Eventually they blow themselves apart in a huge supernova! For a week or so, the supernova outshines all of the other stars in its galaxy. The elements made inside the supergiant are scattered and this stardust eventually makes other stars and planets. RED SUPER GIANTS
PARTNER TALK What is the difference between a red, blue and yellow star? What is a supernova? Where are stars born? What are the three different types of galaxies?
COMPARE AND CONTRAST How are stars different from planets? Defend your answer.