The Christian Reformations Protestant Reformation Vocabulary The Religious Wars People Catholic Reformation
What is the Reformation? A religious movement that produced a new form of Christianity known as Protestantism.
What are indulgences? A pardon, or forgiveness, of a sin.
What is predestination? A religious belief that God has already decided who will go to heaven and who will not.
To declare invalid, such as King Henry VIII’s marriage to Catherine. What is annul?
Being cut off from the Church and its sacraments. What is Excommunication?
The German monk who wrote a list of complaints to the Catholic Church that helped start off the Protestant Reformation. Who was Martin Luther?
This Frenchman fled from Paris to Geneva, Switzerland to start his own religion. Who was John Calvin?
This ruler challenged the Catholic church in order to solve his own problems in England. He eventually formed his own church and became head of it. Who was King Henry VIII?
A Spanish noble who founded the Jesuits. Who was Ignatius of Loyola?
This French king issued the Edict of Nantes in order to end the fighting between Catholics and Protestants in France. Who is King Henry IV?
Luther prepared this list of arguments against indulgences and abuses of the Church. What are the 95 Theses?
This is the year that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral. What is the year 1517?
This Christian religion had followers that were hard working, well behaved, and obeyed the laws of their towns. What is Calvinism?
This church was created in 1534 with the passing of the Act of Supremacy through English Parliament. What is the Church of the England?
This is the name that the Church of England was changed to under Queen Elizabeth I. What is the Anglican Church?
A special school for training and educating priests. What is a seminary?
A Reforming Order that set out to win followers for the Catholic Church and wanted to strengthen the spiritual lives of Catholics; also known as the Society of Jesus. Who were the Jesuits?
Daily Double “Don’t Choke!”
A list of forbidden books that Catholics were not allowed to read. What was the Index?
A group of Bishops and priests picked by the Pope to help figure out ways to reform the Catholic Church. What was the Council of Trent?
A religious court held in Spain that found and punished those guilty of heresy. What is the Spanish Inquisition?
A religious war fought in the Holy Roman Empire in the early 1600s between Protestant and Catholic kingdoms. What is the Thirty Years’ War?
This Italian mother ruled in place of her young French son when he took the throne at the age of 10. Who is Catherine de’ Medici?
King Philip sent this fleet of ships to England in order to get revenge against Queen Elizabeth. What is the Spanish Armada?
An order issued by King Henry IV stating that the official religion of France was Catholicism, but that Huguenots were free to worship in France. What is the Edict of Nantes?
This treaty ended the conflict of the Thirty Years’ War in What is the Peace of Westphalia?