Term Projects Cs5090: Advanced Computer Networks, fall 2004 Department of Computer Science Michigan Tech University Byung Choi
Schedule Sept/22: Project release Sept/29: project selection (by ) Oct/01: Exam 1 material (3 papers) Oct/04: Exam 1 (Take home) Oct/06: Exam 1 report (pdf, by ) Oct/11: Term Project Phase 1, research problem formulation (pdf, by )
Providing bi-directional anonymity using unstructured overlay networks Sender anonymity Receiver anonymity Bi-directional (mutual) anonymity! Anonymity through overlay networks –Structured –Unstructured Example application: electronic voting
Unstructured overlay networks: An effective measure against DDoS An easy way to detect and filter attack packets? –Using overlay as a front end How to detect? How to filter? How to route? Exploit anonymity of overlay networks?
Dynamic topology for efficient routing in wireless ad-hoc mobile sensor networks Routing and packet forwarding –in wired networks –in wireless ad-hoc mobile networks –In wireless ad-hoc mobile sensor networks IP-based? Bottom-up vs. top-down development Dynamic vs. static
Scoping? All topics good enough for PhD Solutions to a part pf the research problem will be OK! –Try to formulate a research problem, which is part of the grand research problem. Be open minded always Don’t forget 30 reference papers