Office of International Affairs Director N.C. State Global Engagement and Competitiveness Enhanced Access & Staffing Rainmaker Global Engagement Partnership & Development Board Global Engagement Institute Developed by units, departments, and colleges Targeted to students, faculty and all units Expanded opportunities on campus to strengthen global curricula, UG and Graduate student campus life, partnerships and understanding Learning, Discovery, and Engagement proposal development and scholarship Development of member-based consortium Expanded stakeholder support statewide Global Engagement Institute Developed by units, departments, and colleges Targeted to students, faculty and all units Expanded opportunities on campus to strengthen global curricula, UG and Graduate student campus life, partnerships and understanding Learning, Discovery, and Engagement proposal development and scholarship Development of member-based consortium Expanded stakeholder support statewide New UG Study Abroad Requirement Rewards and Recognitions for Globally Engaged Scholars/Scholarship Elevation of Position Influence by University leadership New UG Study Abroad Requirement Rewards and Recognitions for Globally Engaged Scholars/Scholarship Elevation of Position Influence by University leadership One-Stop-Shop for planning and development Mini-break Term allowing global engagement Support Funding Endowments, and Resources One-Stop-Shop for planning and development Mini-break Term allowing global engagement Support Funding Endowments, and Resources The PUSHThe PULL Supportive Initiatives Recruitment Strategy to increase international students up equally across colleges Better coordination and communication with NCSU international alumni Better coordination with NC located business with global reach Facilitation of Global Communities of Interest across university Enhanced capacity of OIA and achievement of global engagement and competitiveness Secure F&A from grants and contracts with global purpose and outcomes Create a signature NCSU international event (e/g/ IEI Forum) Funding for international recruiting, including building international endowment funding Enhanced web portal Mechanisms to support international scholars coming to NCSU Consideration of fee structure to support International opportunities for students Develop a Global Certification and/or minors for graduate students Supportive Initiatives Recruitment Strategy to increase international students up equally across colleges Better coordination and communication with NCSU international alumni Better coordination with NC located business with global reach Facilitation of Global Communities of Interest across university Enhanced capacity of OIA and achievement of global engagement and competitiveness Secure F&A from grants and contracts with global purpose and outcomes Create a signature NCSU international event (e/g/ IEI Forum) Funding for international recruiting, including building international endowment funding Enhanced web portal Mechanisms to support international scholars coming to NCSU Consideration of fee structure to support International opportunities for students Develop a Global Certification and/or minors for graduate students