The Iliad and the Odyssey Takes place during the Trojan War, which was caused by Paris, a prince of Troy. He kidnaps Helen, the wife of the king of Sparta. The Greeks attack Troy under the leadership of King Agamemnon. Ten years later, the Greeks devise a plan to take the city. They trick the Trojans by building a huge hollow wooden horse. The best Mycenaean soldiers hide inside the horse.
The rest board their ships and pretended to sail away. The joyful Trojans, thinking themselves victorious, brought the gift horse into the city. That night, the Greeks creep out of the horse, slaughter the Trojan men, enslave women and children and burned the city to the ground. The Iliad is not so much the story of the war itself, however, as it is the tale of the Greek hero Achilles and how his anger led to disaster. The Odyssey recounts how one of the Greek heroes, Odysseus journeys back to his wife.
Center of Greek Life The polis (city-state) became the central focus of Greek life. It was a town, city, or village serving as a center where people met for political, economic, social and religious activities. The main gathering place was usually on a hill, topped with a fortified area called the acropolis. This was a refuge and sometimes a place for religious purposes. Below was the agora, an open area for people to assemble and for a market. The polis was a community of people who shared a common identity and goals.
Classes of People There were three classes: Citizens with political rights (adult males), Citizens without political rights (women and children), and Non-citizens (slaves and resident aliens). A new military system based on hoplites developed by 700 B.C. Hoplites were infantry soldiers (foot soldiers) who carried a shield, sword, and spear. They fought shoulder to shoulder in a formation called a phalanx. This close formation made the hoplites a powerful force.