Natural Area Teaching Laboratory Annual Report Jaret Daniels Chair, Natural Area Advisory Committee 2009-
NATL-West NATL-East Archer Rd 34 th Street
Proposed Activities for Complete first version of NATL Operating Manual Install new permanent wayfinding signs in NATL Install & test people counter at CP entrance to trails Fill vice-chair position Produce new photo signs to keep nature trails attractive, informative and current with seasonal changes Revise NATL GIS grid map Advertise NATL to departments; record use of NATL Continue eradication of exotic species Continue upland pine restoration (burning & planting) Revise kiosk content and signs (as needed)
Four Florida Ecosystems for You to Explore! Nature Trails of UF’s Natural Area Teaching Laboratory (NATL) SEEP Trail (wetlands) (3/4 mi.) - Follow signs or start at Natural Area Park Hammock Trail (1/4 mi.) - Begins where Upland Pine and Old Field Trails end
CAUTION ! ALLIGATOR NESTING AREA O ne or more alligators may be found in SEEP year-round, so visitors should stay on the boardwalk and designated trails. Alligator nesting generally occurs between June and July with eggs hatching about 2 months after laying. Female alligators have been known to stay with their young for several months after they hatch, making the period to be extra cautious last from May through October. An alligator nested in SEEP in 2001, 2003, and 2009 (each year at a different location). If you see an alligator that appears to be guarding a nest, stay away! ( but please report its location to ). Female alligators are very protective of their nest and young, and can be extremely aggressive towards intruders.
NATL Mini-grants Habitat selection, ontogenetic shifts, and microhabitat refugia: A study of conspecific hylids in a diverse study site. - Michael Granatosky SEEP Interpretation: Wading bird and tree frog signs - Aubrey Tennyson, Samantha Woodward and Gabriella Mendez
Budget Report & Spending Plan “[The chair of NAAC] … will annually submit a spending plan to the Lakes, Vegetation and Landscaping Committee (LVLC) for its approval, and the Chair of NAAC will submit an annual report about the uses of endowment funds to LVLC.” See handout
NATL Fiscal Plan for FY Fiscal Report for FY Funds available for (excluding stipend for TA*) Brought forward from $309 Projected income for Provost$ NATL Endowment $4800 Total$7209 Spending Plan for Budgeted Routine expenses$1000 Undergraduate Asst. $3952 Mini-grant Program$1000 Soil Pit$500 Total$7209 CALS dean will pay the stipend of the NATL Grad Teaching Assistant (ca. $20,000) Funds available for (excluding stipend for TA*) Brought forward from $426 Projected income for Provost$ NATL Endowment $4380 Total$6906 Spending Plan for Budgeted Routine expenses$ nature trail fliers$243 Grass plugs for UP $845 Wayfinding signs$305 Undergraduate Asst. $820 Robert Guggenheim$213 Mini-grant Program$1000 Not Spent or Encumbered$1473 Total$6906 CALS dean will pay the stipend of the NATL Grad Teaching Assistant (ca. $20,000)
NATL Fiscal Plan for FY Funds available for (excluding stipend for Graduate TA – CALS dean will pay ~$21,000) Brought forward from $1473 Projected income for Provost$2100 NATL endowment$4256 (based on 1 st quarterly payment for FY) Total$7829 Spending plan for Budgeted New wayfinding signs for NATL$900 Undergraduate TA (Eliz. Wells)$1050 Robert Guggenheim$540 (July 1to Sept 30) Stopping and Filling of NAP Gully$270 Routine expenses$2000 (based on expenditures from last 2 FY’s) TrailMaster unit$300 (tests incomplete) Sum$5060 Reserved (and possible need and uses)$2769 Total$7829