The old method of assessment - Levels 1a2c2b2a3c3b3a4c4b4a5c The Government’s expectation was that a child who was ‘secondary ready’ would be achieving a Level 4b at the end of Key Stage 2. The use of levels pushed children on to new material - in the name of pace - when they had not adequately understood vital content, and had serious gaps in their knowledge. It was therefore possible for a child to achieve a 4b as a ‘best fit’ model but still have significant gaps in their learning. 1988
The new method of assessment -The new primary curriculum (2014) delivers ‘fewer things in greater depth’. -Age Related Expectations 2016
So what does ‘Mastery’ mean … Close to (working towards) Secure (mastered) Beyond (deepening)
Re-thinking differentiation Differentiates, not by a teachers notion of ‘ability’ but through teacher’s insights into the way each learner is ‘seeing’ the learning intention of the task. This is derived from more assessment alongside children, not just of them and draws on deep subject knowledge, including knowing where to anticipate and how to reveal misconceptions. Finding the right, ‘different’, ways to get them all to a sufficiently secure point.
Mastery of maths Mastery of maths means a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. Children who are developing mastery, will demonstrate a number of elements: - fluency (rapid and accurate recall and application of facts and concepts) - a growing confidence to reason mathematically - the ability to apply maths to solve problems, to conjecture and to test hypotheses. Mastery of maths, which should build gradually as a child goes through school, is a tool for life, and immeasurably more valuable than the short term ability to answer questions in tests or exams.
Mastery of English At any one moment in time, a skill can be said to have been mastered when the child has sufficient knowledge and understanding in order to appropriately use and apply it in contexts – both familiar and unfamiliar – without the need for guidance or scaffolding of any kind. An example the apostrophe for possession Year 3 KPI Phase 2 Journey!
How the teachers are assessing … Hampshire HIAS (Hampshire Inspection and Advisory Service)
How the teachers are assessing …
How the teachers are tracking …
Parent Pupil Progress document
Consistent year on year 100 – ‘national standard’ Each child will receive: -raw score -scaled score -confirmation of whether or not met national standard Reported to Secondary School End of Key Stage 2 Assessments
All children will sit the same test -English grammar, punctuation and spelling -English reading -Mathematics (arithmetic and problem solving) -Times Tables -Science (sampling) End of Key Stage 2 Assessments