2009 – 2010 Minnetonka Youth Hockey Assessment Survey Results April 2010
Summary Number of total survey participants308* Every team was represented with the exception of a few rookie mite teams Survey dates: February 19 to April 14, 2010
3 Most (81%) indicated that hockey is their primary sport. Q2.4. Is hockey your primary sport? (n=258; graph based to those that answered the question).
4 Players participated in a variety of organized sports. Q2.2. What organized sports or activities, other than hockey, did you participate in during 2009/2010? (n=225; graph based to those that answered the question).
5 Most decided to play MYHA for their love of the game. Q2.5. What is the ONE main reason you decided to play MYHA hockey this season? (n=253; graph based to those that answered the question). I love to play hockey I wanted to be active in a winter sport I just wanted to try it My parent's wanted me to try it I wanted to play with friends I wanted to learn how to play the game better No one mentioned: “I wanted to win games.”
6 The majority of players had an excellent or very good overall experience. About one in ten said it was fair or poor Q5.1 Please rate your overall hockey experience in : (n=219; graph based to those that answered the question).
7 Most players had fun this season. 7% did not. Most players had fun this season. 7% did not. Q5.2 I had fun this season. (n=217; graph based to those that answered the question).
8 Many agreed that their individual and team skills improved over the course of the season. Q5.4./Q5.5 How much did your individual hockey skills improve this season? (n=219; graph based to those that answered the question). How much did you hockey team improve over the course of the season? (n=217; graph based to those that answered the question).
9 Many were comfortable with the number of practices and games. About one third would have preferred more games. Q5.6./Q5.7 The number of practices your team had was…? (n=219; graph based to those that answered the question). How And the number of games your team played was… (n=218; graph based to those that answered the question).
10 Most players thought that the number of tournaments was appropriate. Most players thought that the number of tournaments was appropriate. Q5.8 The number of tournaments your team had was... (n=217; graph based to those that answered the question).
11 Most players also thought that the length of the season met expectations. Most players also thought that the length of the season met expectations. Q5.9 The season length was... (n=216; graph based to those that answered the question).
12 Q5.10. The cost to play hockey this past season with MYHA (not including equipment) was...n=218; graph based to those that answered the question). A majority thought the cost to play was reasonable. 40% said it was too expensive (3% said it was a good deal).
13 Approximately 80% rated their coaches as very good or excellent. One in seven rated their head coach as fair or poor. Q3.2./Q4.1 What is your overall rating of your head coach? (n=225; graph based to those that answered the question). What is your overall rating of your assistant coaches? (n=217; graph based to those that answered the question).
14 Approximately 83% rated their head coach’s knowledge of hockey as excellent or very good. Q3.3 My coach’s knowledge of hockey was… (n=225; graph based to those that answered the question).
15 The ratings of the head coach were respectable. Some room for improvement. Q3.6. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about your HEAD coach. (n=222; graph based to those that answered the question).
16 The ratings of the head coach were respectable. (cont.) Some room for improvement. Q3.6. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about your HEAD coach. (n=222; graph based to those that answered the question).
17 Most players enjoyed playing for their head coaches and would play for them again. 10% disagreed. Some room for improvement. Q4.3. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements about your HEAD coach. (n=222; graph based to those that answered the question).
18 About half agreed that the tryout process was very good or excellent. 21% rated it as fair or poor. Q5.12. Your impression of the tryout process was...(n=175; graph based to those that answered the question).
19 Q5.3. The level that I played at was...(n=220; graph based to those that answered the question). Most players believed they were placed at the correct level.
20 Expected retention is excellent, with nearly 90% indicating they will play hockey again next season! Q5.11. Do you plan to play hockey next season ( )? (n=219; graph based to those that answered the question).