Locard’s Exchange Principle “When a person comes into contact with an object or another person, a cross- transfer of physical evidence can occur.”
Trace Evidence Small but measurable amounts of physical or biological material found at a crime scene
Examples of trace evidence Human hair Animal hair Fibers Soil or plant material (pollen) fingerprints Body fluids (semen, blood, saliva, mucus) Paint chips Broken glass Chemical residue
Types of Evidence 1. Direct: firsthand observations (eyewitness account, video camera, confessions) 2. Circumstantial: indirect evidence; implies a fact, but not directly prove it Physical – bullets, weapons, impressions Biological – body fluids, plant parts, hair Trace evidence
Categories of Evidence Class Evidence Narrows identity to a group of persons or things Example: blood type Individual Evidence Narrow identity to a single person or thing Example: fingerprint
Crime Scene Evidence Direct or circumstantial evidence? Physical or biological evidence? Class or individual evidence?