 Identify the compliments in each sentence (remember you first need to figure out if the verb is action or linking.) 1. Karen gave me a new picture frame.


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Presentation transcript:

 Identify the compliments in each sentence (remember you first need to figure out if the verb is action or linking.) 1. Karen gave me a new picture frame for my birthday. 2. Kim appeared confused when the doctor gave her the prognosis. 3. Without hope, Sam had nothing. 4. That woman at the counter is my aunt, so give her a discount. 5. Brad and Sean drove Jason to the store 6. We are the winners of the academic quiz bowl. 7. After the fight, she cried for hours, but eventually, she felt better.

1. While she is on vacation although I doubt if she can. 2. The family will not leave. 3. Above all else. 4. Holding on to the only thing she has left. 5. Of all the new students, I like Miguel the most. 6. In the back of the school on the football field. 7. As if they were aiming at the center of the target. 8. After dawn the moon can still be seen. Identify each as a dependent clause, Independent clause, or a phrase

1. During the first year of school, many high school students need to be taught new study-skills. 2. After a long practice, John came home and took an extremely long nap. 3. John has to get a new suit, so he could attend the Prom. 4. After dancing in the competition, Sarah went home, but we went out. 5. Karen made a cake, and they ate it until they were full. 6. Taking a drive in the car is the thing that Bob likes to do to relax. 7.Because I had an appointment, I missed the notes, but Lauren got them for me.

› Because it was all his fault, Joe, who worked at the store. › I knew from the first day of college that my friends would be the most important part of my life. › Forgetting to do your homework. › I got to go to Hersheypark this summer and Ben came with me. › So what. › Drove me home even though it was out of the way › Ben came on the rollercoaster with me, we were scared. › You’re right. › Today is the day.

 Some of us liked last night's performance, but many people did not.  There is no way I am going to practice today.  Until we get a new washing machine, the clothes will be washed at the laundry mat.  David bought two tickets for the concert, but Lauren couldn’t go..  The sculpture in front of the museum was removed because many people complained that it was ugly.  So I could go to college, I plan to get a second job and work every weekend.

 1. We were dirty, hungry, and without a penny.  2. My mom liked to clean around the house and cooking.  3. During the day, we went on long hikes, rowed around the lake, or just leisure time.  4. She returned to pay the rent and because she had left some of her things.  5. Two things that I found hard to learn as a freshman were to get enough sleep and trimming expenses.