WILF: MUST: I can find rivers in an atlas SHOULD: I can name the longest river in the world and other facts COULD: I can make observations about river features I can begin to understand river related vocabulary
Rivers of the World What is the name of the longest river in the World? Which continent is it in? Can you find it in the atlas? Which sea does it finish in? Where does it start? Which countries does it run through?
Meander As a river flows over years and years, it can create a new path for itself. It can wind its way around rocks and trees and then change its route another year. It can pick up soil material from one area and drop it in another area, creating a new route for it to follow. This twisting and turning of a river is known as a meander. meander
Mouth of the River / Delta The end of the river is called the mouth. At the mouth, there is often a river delta, a large, silty area where the river splits into many different slow-flowing channels that have muddy banks.
The Nile What can you find out about the Nile from this picture?
The Nile What do you notice about the Nile from this picture?
The History of the Nile ypt/nile.htmwww.chiddingstone.kent.sch.uk/homework/eg ypt/nile.htm
Create sentences about the river Nile using the below vocabulary Meander Delta Mouth of the river River bank Draw a picture of the Nile in your Geography books and label the above.
River Facts There are more than 250,000 rivers in the United States. The Mississippi is the largest river in the U.S. Water covers three fourths of the Earth’s surface. Most of that water is permanently frozen or salty. Antarctica holds over 90% of the word’s fresh water. The amount of water on the earth has remained the same for two billion years.