Switch and Data/PAIX Update Peering Forum 2.0
-2- Forward Looking Statement Certain statements herein are “forward-looking statements”. Such forward-looking statements are not historical facts but instead reflect the Company’s current expectations or beliefs concerning future events and results of operations, many of which, by their nature, are inherently uncertain and outside of the Company’s control. It is possible that actual results may differ, possibly materially, from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements. For a discussion of some of the risks and important factors that could affect future events and results of operations, see the discussion in our Registration Statement on Form S-1 (Commission file number ) under the caption “Risk Factors.” The Company does not undertake to publicly update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
-3- Switch and Data PAIX Markets: Bay Area MetroPAIX Fabric: –108 Participants –Palo Alto –San Jose: 534 Stockton –San Jose: 55 S Market (Market Post Tower) –San Francisco: 200 Paul NY MetroPAIX Fabric: –49 Participants –111 8th –60 Hudson –Direct access to over 300 unique networks Seattle MetroPAIX Fabric: –Westin Bldg –3 rd Ave (several blocks from Westin) –Direct access to over 70 unique networks Dallas MetroPAIX Fabric: –Infomart –2323 Bryan –Direct access to over 80 unique networks Atlanta: –56 Marrietta Vienna: –7990 Science Applications Ct.
-4- NY MetroPAIX Example
-5- Company & Colo Updates Feb 2007 IPO (Nasdaq: SDXC) Palo Alto Expansion –2 nd and 3 rd floor expansion –Opened in July 2006 Demand is driving continued expansion in key markets
-6- IX Update Force10 introduced as core switch in densest sites –Multi-vendor environment Most sites will be 10GigE capable in 2007 Launched the PAC (PAIX Advisory Council) Internal Route-Views Project
-7- PAIX VoIP Exchange ENUM enabled peering fabric Verisign provides the ENUM backend via the NRD Deployed in Late 2006
-8- PAIX Resources Sales Engineering Team –5 SE’s –PAIX, Power & Cooling Specialists Cross functional Internal Team focused on PAIX (Marketing, Engineering, SE) –Drew Leonard - Director of Product Marketing –Steve Armil - Product Manager –Chris Quesada - Manager Network Eng –Roger Kim - VP PAIX Services –Eric Bell - SE
-9- Questions? Contact: –Eric Bell Office: Mobile: