Using CIITS to Create Classroom Assessments Copyright © 2011 Schoolnet, Inc. All rights reserved.
Welcome and Workshop Objectives Welcome and Meeting Room Orientation Learning Objectives: 1.Create classroom assessments using the item bank in CIITS 2.Create new multiple choice and gridded items (as time permits) 3.Understand test stages 4.Preview scheduling tests 2
Working Norms for this Session Use “full screen” options for easier viewing. Ask questions using the chat box. Open two browsers – one for this meeting, and another for your district CIITS site. Complete the application activity and workshop evaluation. 3
Benefits of Schoolnet Classroom Assess Districts, schools and teachers may create and administer assessments online using CIITS Teachers can use CIITS to: − Create and administer their own items and assessments for formative purposes − Quickly assess what students know about a particular topic Support is never more than a call (or an ) away − Helpdesk: (1-855-HELP4KY) or − Instructional Supervisors are the CIITS points of contact in each district 4
Online Testing Overview Performance data available for analysis 5 Create test Distribute usernames Tests administered to students online Score open response
Methods for Creating Assessments Express Test –From a deconstructed standard, lesson plan or other resource that covers the same standards –From within Assessment Admin on designated standards Manual Test –With items created as you build the test –With items made available in an Item Bank 7
Ways to Build a Test Build a test by selecting standards first and using those standards as scaffolding for the assessment. OR, create your test the old- fashioned way, item by item “Makes the creation of standards-based assessments fast and easy, offering educators more opportunities to create frequent assessments that can be used for formative purposes to inform instruction.” 8
Creating Items: Key Facts Types: multiple choice, gridded response, T/F, open response One subject, one right answer only in order to support reporting Alerts: help you build an error-free item 10
Using Images in Test Questions Import image file: copy and paste not supported As a best practice, keep images small, both in file size and dimension. If you want to gather images all at once, create a folder on a network or local drive. Develop a file naming convention so you can easily locate the right image for each question. The Image icon opens your file chooser – navigate to the file, highlight it and click Open. For best results, resize before uploading. 11
Passages Do not use the Express Test method to create a test that includes a passage You can associate any question with a passage Once you create a passage, you can select and associate it with additional questions The passage feature can be used for images that you want to use with multiple test questions As a best practice, create reading passages as text, not images as text as resizing can make them difficult to read 12
Scheduling a Test Once a test has no errors and has been marked “Ready for Scheduling,” you can assign a schedule to your test and identify online testing options for the test. Online test Passcode Should students have access to results immediately? Can students take the test outside of schedule start/end date? What is the test administration start and end dates? When are scores due? Should test time be restricted to certain hours on certain days? Is this a timed test? 14
Wrap Up Session Summary Application Activity – Create at least one classroom assessment using CIITS before the next training session. Your test should be in the “ready to schedule” stage. Q&A Download materials (if not done earlier) Workshop Evaluation 15