Organic Resources and Biological Treatment Henrik Lystad Chair of European Compost Network ECN e.V. 29 January 2016, Brussels MWE/ EUROCITIES/ European Commission Separate Waste Collection in the Context of a Circular Economy in Europe - Implementing Separate Collection of Biowaste
Organic Resources and Biological Treatment The European Compost Network Network for the organic waste recycling sector in Europe ECN represents more than biological treatment plants with more than 30 M tpa treatment capacities in 27 European Countries Promoting sustainable recycling practices in composting, anaerobic digestion and other biological treatment processes of organic resources Integrated organic waste recycling solutions generating high quality products for the benefit of consumers and the environment
Organic Resources and Biological Treatment 1.Closes cycles of organic material and nutrients – reducing the linear economy of landfilling of bio-waste. 2.Produces biobased products – replacing scarce resources and fossil based products such as peat, mineral fertilizers and fossil fuels, reducing climate emissions and improving soil health. 3.Enables further improvement of the performance of recycling of dry residual waste (plastic, paper, metals) 4.Creates sustainable jobs at local level and job opportunities are created for future generations. 100 Mio. tons of biowaste creates new jobs Key role of recycled Bio-waste in Circular Economy
Organic Resources and Biological Treatment Status on Separate Collection of Biowaste in Europe Sweden: 105 sites, 0.71 million tons of biowaste Finland: 20 sites, 0.36 million tons of biowaste United Kingdom: 220 sites, 3 million tons of biowaste Netherlands: 70 sites, 3.2 million tons of biowaste Belgium (VLG): 85 sites, 2,7 million tons of biowaste Germany: 800 sites, 10 million tons of biowaste Austria: 700 sites, 1.5 million tons of biowaste Italy: 240 sites, 5.2 million tons of biowaste Separate collection and composting/digestion of biowaste Separate collection of biowaste in preparation/implementation Only limited collection of biowaste Potential of Biowaste in Europe: M tpa Recycling of Biowaste in Europe: 30 M tpa ~ 100 Mio. t pa are wasted
Organic Resources and Biological Treatment EU Policy Recommendations Moving towards a more circular economy needs to be accompanied by updating the existing waste legislation in Europe. The overall targets for municipal waste (Art 11) for 2025/30 can not be met without recycling of bio-waste. ECN calls for mandatory separate collection of biowaste (Art. 22) ECN calls for separate recycling targets for biowaste in Art. 11