Self Confidence Confidence improves when children find success at accomplishing new skills and facing unfamiliar situations. -The feelings of independence and self-worth help them develop initiative – motivation to accomplish more. During ages 4-6 children need help recognizing & expressing their emotions!
Anger The way children express anger changes more through childhood than any other emotion. As children grow, they use more subtle means of expressing their anger. - 4 years – still show anger physically (fighting). Their anger lasts longer than before. Often threaten and attempt to “get even” -5 years – more likely to hurt other’s feelings rather than physically -6 years – more stinging with words. They tease, insult, nag, and make fun of others. -Frequency of anger decreases from ages 4-6 but the effects last longer.
A child’s tolerance for frustration generally increases with age and some of the earlier frustrations are eliminated with improved skills and better social skills. At 6 they learn to about differing personalities. -Disagreements with other children are most common cause of anger. -5 & 6 year olds conceal their feelings and may use indirect methods of revenge. Sometimes make sneer or sly remarks, and exaggerated threats. -Parents can cause a child’s anger, they will “punish” a parent by breaking another rule. -The way parents respond to their own anger and the child is important. Set an example by sharing and talking, not acting out their anger. -Teach children to “use their words” and if they need to release anger in a physical way, don’t hit people.
Fear Ages 4-6 have well-developed imagination and their fears reflect that. Sensitive & insecure children are more prone to fears Common fears: ghosts, robbers, kidnappers, vampires, the dark, school, being left alone, bullies, etc. Social acceptance is important and the threat of losing it scares children.
3 ways to help children overcome fears 1. Accept the fear 2. Let the child express the fear w/o ridicule 3. Help the child feel able to face the fear
Jealousy Sibling rivalry – jealousy between brothers and sisters Comparisons between siblings can damage their self- esteem and undermine good family relationships. Jealousy leads to tattling, criticizing, lying, or boasting Encourage empathy to lessen jealousy.
Children & Stress One expert says more than 1 in 3 children suffers from stress. This stress can result in physical or emotional problems -Children can express their feelings of stress through words and pictures ex. – a child draws his family but he is at the end of the page and is small compared to everyone else – maybe if there is a new baby and he/she feels inferior.
How to handle stress: Find the cause Give them chances to get rid of tension Read a book about the issue causing stress Maintain normal limits on behavior
Teamwork & Cooperation Most 4-6 year olds prefer cooperative play to competitive games. You can encourage cooperation by working together with their teammates. They can cheer for each other, pass the ball, etc. Teach children not to compare themselves to others. Instead, they compare their skills today to skills in the past.