To improve reading comprehension Six Reading Strategies
Why have Reading Strategies? They will help you to engage with the ideas you are reading They will ensure you aren’t just looking at the words – so you’re an ACTIVE reader They will help you to understand the ideas being communicated in the text
Our Reading Strategies For our convenience and learning purposes, we will be focusing on SIX (6) reading strategies
1. Activating Prior Knowledge When? Before Reading Why? So that you determine how much you already know about the topic/ideas “I know about this!” “I heard this idea before...” “This happened to me!”
2. Predicting When? Before Reading Why? So that you determine what you think will happen/what it will be about “I think...will happen next” “I believe it will be about...”
3. Visualizing When? During Reading Why? So that you can picture what is happening in your mind “I envision this part in my head to be...” “When I read this part I see...” “I have sketched a diagram/map...”
4. Summarizing When? During Reading Why? So that you determine and remember the most important information “The main idea of this section is...” “The top five events of this chapter are...”
5. Questioning When? After Reading Why? So that you clarify what you don’t understand about the topic/information “I am really confused about...” “I don’t understand...” “I need clarity on...”
6. Making Connections When? After Reading Why? So that you can make the learning “last” and connect it to your experiences “I can relate to this” (self) “This is like a movie” (text) “In society...” (world)
Are there other strategies? Previewing vocabulary Taking good notes Making inferences Drawing conclusions Making judgments Evaluating the text
Think this is too elementary? ntation_ReadingStrategies.pdf ntation_ReadingStrategies.pdf