Ann Tebo Mesa Public Schools Online Reading Strategies Strategies = the conscious actions readers take to improve their comprehension
Reading comprehension Is an interactive process of purposefully extracting and constructing meaning from various texts and formats motivated by a need or interest. In other words, if you’re not thinking, you’re not really reading!
How is reading online different from hard-copy print text? More information is available Can’t highlight or take notes directly on the text Must be skilled in navigation techniques to access relevant related information The bias of the source / author should be carefully considered Your additional ideas…
How is reading online similar to hard-copy print text? You need to THINK while reading! Use prior knowledge of content and type of text Identify the purpose Organize information Summarize and synthesize Skim Your additional ideas…
Steps to Online Reading Success…
Step one – Make sure that the site matches what you’re researching The name of the website Section heading (Or an article title, if applicable)
Step two – Examine the site map See how the site is set up… These buttons represent the different topics of information. What could each topic be compared to in a book?
Step three – Evaluate the source and identify the purpose extension on a URL indicates that it is a government website. Information websites is not copyrighted. This website it published by the United States Copyright office. What would be the purpose of this site?
What is “bias”? To be partial or show favoritism To influence (ex: a tearful plea designed to bias the jury)
Identifying purpose (continued)... extension on a URL indicates that the publisher is a company. Would companies present information with a bias? Why/why not?
Identifying purpose (continued)… extension on a URL indicates that the publisher is an educational institution. Would schools present information with a bias? Why/why not?
Identifying purpose (continued)… Sometimes there are exceptions to the rules for the extensions of URLs. For example, Mesa Public Schools’ website is extension on a URL indicates that the publisher is an organization. Would organizations present information with a bias? Why/why not?
Step four: Be an active reader Thinking strategies: Think as you read! Does what you are reading make sense? If not, reread! Activate prior knowledge Question what you read Make predictions – read to find out! Create mental images related to what you have read
Be an active reader (continued)… Take notes! Find a system that works for you. Before moving ahead with the reading, jot down the main idea and a couple of important details from each section you read. If you can’t do that, reread! Organize ideas in a graphic format, if applicable to topic
Online reading success Complete the “bubbles” of the graphic organizer in your notes file with strategies for online reading success!
Online reading success Find appropriate sites Examine site maps Evaluate the source Identify the purpose Be an active reader THINK! Reread if needed Take notes & summarize Your ideas do not have to be identical to those listed – as long as they relate to online reading success!