1 ST GRADE Prior Knowledge
Using this PowerPoint The purpose of this PowerPoint is for students to be able to access engaging online activities to help improve their prior knowledge to help improve comprehension skills. Improving prior knowledge skills will increase students ability to comprehend text. Students will have strategies to help them make connections within text. Parents and students will be able to access the PowerPoint's outside of school. Students will also be allowed to access these PowerPoint's and websites at school for center rations. This PowerPoint will be available to all levels of achievement.
Why Prior Knowledge? Each unit we will discuss questions throughout weekly lessons. Activating prior knowledge will help us make connections to the new information we will be learning. Introducing the topics will help us be more familiar with the topics and help with thinking to develop better comprehension.
What we will be doing! Objective: We will be able to make real life connections to develop understanding. During reading we will explore questions before, during, and after text. Ask questions such as these to begin a reading assignment: What do I already know about? Have any of you ever experienced? What have you read before about?
Activity Grab your leveled reader or AR book. Look at the pictures and make predictions on what you think might happen. Write the words you know or what to know more about on a Word Cloud. Write your predictions on a Word Cloud. Print if you have access. Click here!Click here!
Now Read your text. By reading the text did you find the meaning of the words you did not understand?
Next Talk with your partner. Tell me what you liked best about this book... Tell me about your favorite illustration in this book... Tell me about a favorite sentence or a funny remembrance from this story... Tell me about the characters in this story... Tell me something you have in common with or something that makes you different from one of the characters... Tell me what you would do if... (relate to problem in story) Tell me how you would feel if... (relate to feeling in story) Tell me about the problem (and solution) of this story... Tell me about something similar that has happened to you... Tell me something you might change in this story if you were the author...
Last Make a drawing of what you learned in the story. Write a sentence about your drawing.