Debugging the water cycle KS2: Use logical reasoning to detect and correct errors in programs
Today we are learning about: Logical reasoning & Debugging ●I can use logical reasoning to debug a program ●I can explain how I debugged a program
Main task: Debugging challenges ●You have 25 mins to debug the 5 pupils’ water cycle programs. ●Follow the steps we have identified to help use logical reasoning to debug the programs. ●Complete the ‘Debugging Challenge’ sheets to explain: the bug you found, why it was a bug and how you fixed it.
The sun heats the water in rivers, lakes and the sea which causes it to turn into water vapour and rise up into the air. This is called evaporation. Water runs off land into rivers and into the sea. This is called surface runoff. As water vapour rises it cools and turns back into liquid water droplets. This is called condensation. Water droplets join together until they are too heavy to stay in the air and fall back to Earth as rain, hail and snow. This is called precipitation. The water cycle