Foundations of American Education: Perspectives on Education in a Changing World, 15e © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Chapter 2 The Early History of Education in a Changing World
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 2-2 Perspectives shaped by our lens Celebrationist historians Celebrationist historians Liberal historians Liberal historians Revisionist historians Revisionist historians Postmodernist historians Postmodernist historians Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al 2-2
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 2-3 Roots of formal Education Informal education for survival Informal education for survival No formal records exist about China, Africa, South America No formal records exist about China, Africa, South America Increasingly complex societies Increasingly complex societies Development of written language formalized education Development of written language formalized education Formal education in Non-Western world early as 2000 BCE Formal education in Non-Western world early as 2000 BCE 2-3 Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 2-4 Roots of Western Education Formal Education reached West around 500 BCE Formal Education reached West around 500 BCE Greece first Western country with formal system Greece first Western country with formal system Spartan education for military ambitions Spartan education for military ambitions Athens stressed intellect and aesthetics Athens stressed intellect and aesthetics 2-4 Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 2-5 Early Western Philosophers Socrates and the Socratic method Socrates and the Socratic method Plato and the three-tiered society Plato and the three-tiered society Aristotle, and education for improvement of humankind Aristotle, and education for improvement of humankind All believed that educating women and slaves was useless All believed that educating women and slaves was useless 2-5 Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 2-6 Romanian influence Romanian schools developed after conquer of Greece Romanian schools developed after conquer of Greece Development of Latin Grammar Schools (Grammaticus) Development of Latin Grammar Schools (Grammaticus) Quintilian and the importance of education Quintilian and the importance of education Romanian organizational skills impacted Ancient world Romanian organizational skills impacted Ancient world 2-6 Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 2-7 Education in the Middle Ages Roman Catholic church becomes powerful force Roman Catholic church becomes powerful force Church focus on afterlife de-emphasizes education Church focus on afterlife de-emphasizes education Human knowledge digressed during Dark Ages Human knowledge digressed during Dark Ages Political and religious oppression common causes Political and religious oppression common causes 2-7 Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 2-8 Revival of Education Reign of Charlemagne Reign of Charlemagne Alcuin and the seven liberal arts Alcuin and the seven liberal arts Rediscovery of ancient writings Rediscovery of ancient writings Thomas Aquinas and the philosophy of scholasticism Thomas Aquinas and the philosophy of scholasticism Harmony between church doctrine and philosophy Harmony between church doctrine and philosophy Establishment of the Medieval University Establishment of the Medieval University 2-8 Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 2-9 Renaissance Renaissance, common people protest church authority Renaissance, common people protest church authority Spread of humanism Spread of humanism Vittorino da Feltre rekindles interest in knowledge Vittorino da Feltre rekindles interest in knowledge Erasmus and humanistic theory of education Erasmus and humanistic theory of education 2-9 Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Reformation Reformation, reaction against church doctrine Reformation, reaction against church doctrine Martin Luther rebels against the Catholic Church Martin Luther rebels against the Catholic Church Believed people should interpret Bible for themselves Believed people should interpret Bible for themselves Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuit response Ignatius of Loyola and the Jesuit response Comenius introduces textbooks with images Comenius introduces textbooks with images John Locke’s philosophy, tabula rasa John Locke’s philosophy, tabula rasa 2-10 Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Age of Reason Revolt of intellectuals against ignorance Revolt of intellectuals against ignorance Rationalism, belief in human rational power Rationalism, belief in human rational power Education becomes critical for human empowerment Education becomes critical for human empowerment 2-11 Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Influence of Rene Descartes Descartes rationalism Descartes rationalism Reason is supreme Reason is supreme Laws of nature invariable Laws of nature invariable Truth verified through empirical testing Truth verified through empirical testing 2-12 Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Rationalism Voltaire, the American and French Revolutions Voltaire, the American and French Revolutions Frederick the Great and the rise of free speech Frederick the Great and the rise of free speech Prussian laws for teacher preparation Prussian laws for teacher preparation 2-13 Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Emergence of the Common Man Better life for common folk Better life for common folk Jean Jacques Rousseau ideal education Jean Jacques Rousseau ideal education Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al 2-14
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Colonial education in the U.S. East coast settlements in three groups of colonies East coast settlements in three groups of colonies Southern, Middle and Northern colonies Southern, Middle and Northern colonies Colonies consisted different demographic groups Colonies consisted different demographic groups Groups developed different educational systems Groups developed different educational systems Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al 2-15
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Southern colonies Large tobacco plantations Large tobacco plantations Need for cheap labor, imported African slaves Need for cheap labor, imported African slaves European indentured servants European indentured servants Two primary classes, wealthy landowners, laborers Two primary classes, wealthy landowners, laborers Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al 2-16
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Southern Colonies Education Landowners disinterest in educating slaves Landowners disinterest in educating slaves Missionaries provided limited education to slaves Missionaries provided limited education to slaves Landowners hired tutors to teach children at home Landowners hired tutors to teach children at home Distance, transportation hindered development of schools Distance, transportation hindered development of schools Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al 2-17
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Middle Colonies Inhabitants from diverse national, religious backgrounds Inhabitants from diverse national, religious backgrounds Diversity inhibited agreement on common school system Diversity inhibited agreement on common school system Respective groups established own schools Respective groups established own schools Apprenticeship model commonly utilized Apprenticeship model commonly utilized Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al 2-18
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Northern Colonies Primarily Puritans with common religious heritage Primarily Puritans with common religious heritage Lived closer to each other and towns rapidly emerged Lived closer to each other and towns rapidly emerged Industrial economy, large middle class quickly developed Industrial economy, large middle class quickly developed Colonies passed early school laws Colonies passed early school laws Education aimed at saving souls. Education aimed at saving souls. Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al 2-19
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Types of Colonial Schools Dame Schools, Writing, Church and Charity schools Dame Schools, Writing, Church and Charity schools Latin Grammar School, college prep for boys Latin Grammar School, college prep for boys Harvard University (1636) prepared ministers Harvard University (1636) prepared ministers Other early post-secondary options Other early post-secondary options Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al 2-20
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Common Elementary Schools Monitorial Schools in New York Monitorial Schools in New York Horace Mann and the push for common schools Horace Mann and the push for common schools Henry Barnard, first U.S education commissioner Henry Barnard, first U.S education commissioner Religion permeated early elementary schools Religion permeated early elementary schools Strict disciple, formal and impersonal schools Strict disciple, formal and impersonal schools Teachers poorly prepared, content primarily 3 R’s Teachers poorly prepared, content primarily 3 R’s Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al 2-21
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Secondary School Movement Benjamin Franklin and the American Academy Benjamin Franklin and the American Academy Purpose, prepare students for employment Purpose, prepare students for employment Usually private, often co-educational Usually private, often co-educational English High School, three-year course in select subjects English High School, three-year course in select subjects Junior high schools emerged in early 1900s Junior high schools emerged in early 1900s Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al 2-22
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Developing Teaching materials Hornbook, commonly used for reading instruction Hornbook, commonly used for reading instruction Battledore, contained the alphabet and religious prayers Battledore, contained the alphabet and religious prayers New England Primer, first textbook (1600s) New England Primer, first textbook (1600s) Blue-backed speller, American Spelling Book Blue-backed speller, American Spelling Book Slates replaced by paper and pencil by 1900 Slates replaced by paper and pencil by 1900 McGuffey Readers teach American virtues. McGuffey Readers teach American virtues. Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al 2-23
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Educating Diverse Groups Students of color, girls, and students with disabilities underserved. Students of color, girls, and students with disabilities underserved. French, Spanish missionaries educated African Americans French, Spanish missionaries educated African Americans Church concern that educating slaves meant emancipation Church concern that educating slaves meant emancipation Educating African Americans became an uphill battle Educating African Americans became an uphill battle Literacy rates increased significantly among African Americans by Literacy rates increased significantly among African Americans by Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al 2-24
Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson/Gollnick/Musial/Hall © 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved Educating Diverse Groups (continued ) Asian population increased significantly since 1970s Asian population increased significantly since 1970s Many achieve success, majority struggled Many achieve success, majority struggled Asians typically place high value on education Asians typically place high value on education Hispanics population rapidly increasing Hispanics population rapidly increasing Historically afforded unequal educational opportunities Historically afforded unequal educational opportunities Women have also struggled to receive equal education Women have also struggled to receive equal education Foundations of American Education, 15e Johnson, et al 2-25