How to get the most from Springfield Attendance & Punctuality Behaviour Attitude to work Relationships with staff Relationships with other students Making use of new opportunities Life after Springfield
Attendance & Punctuality You can only benefit from the things Springfield offers, if you are here ! Attend regularly Be on time Stay all day
Behaviour Behave positively Follow instructions Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself No swearing, name calling or put downs Allow others to work
Attitude to work Challenge yourself Work to the best of your abilities Be willing to work individually and with others Be willing to have a go at new things
Relationships with staff The staff are not the Enemy ! Listen to staff Work with them Treat staff how you would like to be treated
Relationships with other students Treat others as you would want them to treat you ! Make new friends Be willing to work with others Respect others
Making use of new opportunities Be adventurous Try new sports Go to new places Use new technology Try new subjects Work with new people
Life after Springfield Think ahead! Travel ? College ? Work ? Whatever you do, do it for you !