Program Justification -The high rate of unemployment among youth -ages 15 to 19 years: 19.6 % -ages 20 to 24 years: 13.6 %; -and among youth in general: 6.4 % (Dec.2006 – Feb. 2006). -CASEN 2006: Youth unemployment continues to be highest among youth in the I and II income quintiles. 20 % of the youth are unemployed or economically inactive (they neither study nor work) -The high rate of youth desertion or drop out (Chile Solidario) from the current SENCE programs for Labor Market Insertion. -Previous experiences developed by Interjoven (Inter-Youth) with some regional direction by FOSIS.
Fuente: INE, AMJ de cada año Comparison between youth (18 to 24 years of age) and Adults unemployment rates in Chile
Key Concepts Employability (ILO) “the capacity to obtain and maintain employment; capacity to be tuned in with the labor market, to be able to change jobs without difficulty…in a dynamic labor market, while mobilizing multiple personal resources” Personal resources ECLAC study: "Basic or soft skills”: language; communication, training in problem solving. Work attitudes/ethics and disposition, personal presentation or self comportment. -Social Environment (The Role of Interaction/Intermediation) Contacts, Recommendations Expectations vs. Real market -Individual Plan for insertion in the labor market : View of the Future
Objective of the Program PURPOSE: Unemployed youth (18 to 24 years), from the families of the Chile Solidario System are incorporated in the Labor Market or generate incomes through a specific program from the public supply of programs, which result from the personalized employment plan.
Components of the Program Training for work Oriented to the development of a personalized plan; for skills training. To develop motivational and communicational resources for their insertion into the labor market and/or educational sector. Contextual view. This component will coordinate the vocational training program when it is required for job creation. Effective referral to FOSIS and other public programmatic menu, especially focusing on programs for job creation Access to the SENCE, FOSIS or other programs A Fund would finance the basic requirements for insertion (clothing, costs for CV preparation and development, behavioral training, communication skills, among others) Monitoring and evaluation Would evaluate and monitor the success of participants in obtaining jobs, through a specific program (FOSIS – SENCE, or others).
Lessons from the 2007 implementation program are incorporated into the 2008 Program. From a Pilot Program to a Regular Program Extend the program to other regions and communities. Generate significant youth experiences from dependent to independent employment as their forms of labour 2008 CHALLENGES