Planting the Seeds of Leadership Welcome to The Conference of State Presidents June 9, 2013 New Orleans, Louisiana
Planting the Seeds of Leadership
A Lay of the Land: Our Time Together A Lay of the Land: Our Time Together
Perennials Community Gardening Basking in the Beauty Surprise! Tilling the Soil Dealing with the Weeds Best Blooms Fertilizer
Tilling the Soil : Purpose and Goals of the AAUW State Structure
Heavy/moderate time usage
Moderate/light time usage
1. What is the impact of your current time usage on the branches and states? 2. What impact would you like to have that you’re current not having?
Your top 3 reasons for running What branches need from you
Membership, Supporting branches & Filling board positions big goals, big needs, little time (Lots of time on things that didn’t mention as goals or needs)
1. Why does this disconnect exist? 2. What does your state board need to do to achieve the desired impact? 3. What do you, as state president, need to do to lead your board towards that impact?
Dealing with the Weeds
Where does this issue stem from? Why are we facing this problem? What are some concrete, creative and realistic solutions to this challenge? What role do I, as state president, have in implementing this solution?
“Mentoring is a process in which a more skilled or more experienced person, serving as a role model, teaches, sponsors, encourages, counsels and befriends a less skilled or less experienced person for the purpose of promoting the latter’s professional and/or personal development.” “Mentoring functions are carried out within the context of an ongoing, supportive relationship between the mentor and mentee.”
- High degree of trust and mutual regard - The mentor helps another person become what that person aspires to be “Mentoring is probably the most powerful developmental process people can experience. And when it works, it develops two for the price of one.”
How do we incorporate the power and potential of mentoring in to AAUW? Where does it fit? What would it look like? How might we use mentoring in an intentional way to address the issue of declining membership? How might we use mentoring in an intentional way to address the issue of filling board positions?
Planting Perennials: Action Planning & Maintaining Momentum
What are your major “take-aways?”
Community Gardening: Town Hall with Carolyn Garfein
Basking in the Beauty!