September 10 th Table of Contents Page 7 and 8 Mass Migration Warm Up: Get your notebooks, your one handout and PICK ANY SEAT OTHER THAN GROUP 7
Warm Up Page 7: What do these pictures have in common?
Review: Migration Concepts PUSH FACTORS PULL FACTORS Does migration have to be VOLUNTARY?
What is Mass Migration? Throughout history, MASS MIGRATION events have occurred when large numbers of people moved from one place to another Some mass migrations were voluntary (by choice), others were FORCED (ex. Holocaust) How has mass migration affected Texas? –Discuss with a partner for one minute.
Graphic Organizer Your handout includes seven MASS MIGRATION events. We will go over the first one together What was the COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE?
Columbian Exchange Video orldhistory/columbianexchange/ orldhistory/columbianexchange/ While we watch the video, fill out the graphic organizer
Columbian Exchange
Fill Out Your Graphic Organizer Who / What migrated? –Plants, Animals, Diseases, Ideas, People Where? –Across the Atlantic Ocean between Europe, Africa, and the Americas Why? – More resources = more $$= more global power
Migration Stations In groups of 4, read your assigned article and fill out your portion of the graphic organizer (5 minutes per station) Then you will rotate Group 7 moves to group 1. Group 7: Complete the two writing sections on push/pull factors
EXIT TICKET. back page. Pick one of the migration events we learned about today and write a brief diary entry (5 sentences) from the perspective of a migrant. How do you feel about leaving home? When finished, raise hand and Mrs. Kennedy will check it off. Tape handout to page 8.