1. Create a relationship diagram for the Employees database
2. Has referential data integrity been violated between any of the tables? If so, name the tables and the orphans. Yes it is violated for the category/recording relationship– Recording IDs 36 and 37 are orphans because they have no parent on the Category table.
3. What are the possible primary keys for the Recordings table? Is one preferable to the other, why? Possible primary keys are RecordingID and Title. However, RecordingID is a better primary key because two recordings could have the same title.
4. Write a query to list Recording Titles for all Rock albums that have a discount or cost less than $10.
5. Write a query to List Recording Titles of all Alternative CDs that include bonus tracks and are priced between $10 and $20 inclusive.
6. Write a query to list Recording Titles that either have a discount or are Classical.
7. Write a query to display the value of all orders. List the Order #, Recording title, value of the order (price * quantity), and whether or not the artist offers a discount.
8. Using the previous query as input, write a query to display the orders that qualify for a discount. If the order qualifies for a discount 10% will be deducted from the selling value. Display the Order #, title of the recording, value of the order before the order, and the Discounted Price. Make sure to only display the orders that are eligible for a discount.
9. Write a query to summarize by Artist the number of different recordings we sell and their average selling price.