Columbus: Hero or Villain?
Choose 3 words to describe Columbus
Three sides to every story… Hero? Villain? Just the Facts
You decide! Today we will be learning about the “evils” of Christopher Columbus. As we are investigate further details about Columbus, keep this question in mind: “Why is it important to think about Columbus in a different way?” Let’s take a look at today’s activity.
Primary Sources Today we will be looking at Primary Sources (first hand accounts of history). These primary sources are made up of Christopher Columbus’s real journal that he was keeping for the King and Queen of Spain. You have 2 readings (front and back) from Columbus’s journal. Look at the key below. You will use it to mark up the text. Highlight/underline = Interesting Point V = Important Vocabulary Word ? = Question Notes in your margins
The Journal Entries Read Columbus reading #1. Remember to mark up the text features. You will have the length of1 -2 songs to complete this Be prepared to discuss what you’ve read. Now, read Columbus reading #2, which was written about a year after the first. Continue to mark up the text. You will have the length of 1-2 songs to complete this reading. Again, be prepared to discuss.
Discussion Questions Answer the following questions under your Warm Up in your notebook. You do not need to write the questions. 1. Did Columbus’s attitude towards the natives change from his first entry to the second? Explain. 2. Based on your readings, was Columbus and the Spanish justified in how they acted? Explain. 3. Has your opinion on Columbus changed? If so, why is it important to think about Columbus in a different way?
Choose 3 words to describe Columbus now—did you choose the same 3?
Obituary Writing Activity You will now have the chance to let your opinion be known. Imagine you are in charge of writing the obituary for Christopher Columbus. What should it say? Remember to include facts, but since you are the author, you may also include your opinion. Don’t forget to do your homework!