New Right Populist Parties: New kids on the block
New Right Populist Parties A family of parties which have cropped up on the right of the political spectrum Different from the old extreme right Not necessarily opposed to liberal democracy Anti-establishment, anti-EU, anti- immigrant – in many respects, anti- parties.
The old right Divided between: economically liberal & conservative parties & some Christian Democratic parties And Extreme right –typically anti-democratic, racist –Examples: Fascist parties, monarchist parties in France…
Extreme right: Strong in pre-world war I and interwar periods Miniscule strength in postwar period –Authoritarianism discredited –Parties marginalized, although some continue Examples: –MSI, Italian Social Movement (Fascist) –NPD in Germany –FN (Front Nationale) in France
Postwar manifestations Poujadism (France, 1956) –Flash party; –Shopkeepers’ party –Protest party Farmers Party (BP) Netherlands, 1960s Progress Party (Denmark), –Mogens Glistrup, 1970s Anders Lange Party (Norway)
1980s & beyond Resurgent support for older & newer parties: Front Nationale –FN wins 10%-15% in presidential elections –2002 Presidential election: Le Pen in runoff. Freedom Party (FPÖ) in Austria – from nothing to ~25% of the popular vote Lega Nord (Northern Leagues) in Italy Danish People’s Party List Pim Fortuyn (LPF) in the Netherlands Freedom Party (PVV) in the Netherlands
Common threads: Anti-European Union Anti-immigrant Anti-establishment Populist in style – leader-centred politics, emphasis on leader who can fix things
Positions Anti… Often (but not always) prefer more market & less state intervention in economic life But, prefer stronger state administration of justice: stricter law enforcement, harsher penalties.
Attitudes toward liberal democracy Few parties overtly anti-democratic If they are, they are unwilling to say so Examples: –FPÖ (Austria) –FN (France)
Anti-establishment Opposition to established elites Common theme: failure to listen to people like us Finds expression in –Use of coarse language (Bossi, Lega Nord) –Demagoguery (Le Pen, FN) –I can fix that (Pim Fortuyn, LPF), although LPF not necessarily right
Explaining the new right: Reaction to cartelization and/or consensus democracy? Mobilization of grievances? Representation of issues or concerns not adequately articulated by other parties? Pathology?
Rise and Fall of the LPF Consensus democracy: the purple coalition (PvdA + D66 + VVD) Livable Netherlands (LN) The rise of the List Pim Fortuyn (LPF) –Pim Fortuyn Acerbic critic Unlikely or likely populist? After the assassination
Successes and failures Electoral breakthrough in several countries, but not always right away, and not necessarily sustained Difficulty in sustaining participation in government –Haidar & FPÖ –List Pim Fortuyn But, impact on other parties –Cf. VVD in Netherlands
General Amnesty Blanket extension on papers Until Monday, December 3 rd 5:00 p.m.
Final exam: Saturday, December 8 th 9:00-11:00 AA1043