The Politics of immigration Peter Kellner Chairman
Saliency in 2005 Which two or three issues matter most? (top six of 12 shown) April 5 % Health41 Immigration40 Crime36 Tax30 The economy27 Education20
Saliency in 2005 Which two or three issues matter most? (top six of 12 shown) April 5 May 5% Health4144 Immigration4037 Crime3630 Tax3026 The economy2732 Education2028
Priorities for Gordon Brown What should be his top priorities? (top six of 12 shown) All % Reduce immigration65 Bring home troops from Iraq53 Act on climate change38 Build more prisons35 Higher taxes on £100k+34 More parent, patient choice32 Nb: Reform House of Lords11
Priorities for Gordon Brown What should be his top priorities? (top six of 12 shown) AllLab% Reduce immigration6553 Bring home troops from Iraq5343 Act on climate change3845 Build more prisons3531 Higher taxes on £100k+3444 More parent, patient choice3231 Nb: Reform House of Lords1118
Priorities for Gordon Brown What should be his top priorities? (top six of 12 shown)Party AllLabmembers %% Reduce immigration Bring home troops from Iraq Act on climate change Build more prisons Higher taxes on £100k More parent, patient choice Nb: Reform House of Lords111839
Attitudes towards immigration Positive statements Agree Disagree% Many immigrants have contributed positively to Britain’s quality of life5827 Eastern Europeans working here are hard-working, competent, reliable3823
Attitudes towards immigration Positive statements Agree Disagree% Many immigrants have contributed positively to Britain’s quality of life5827 Eastern Europeans working here are hard-working, competent, reliable3823 Immigration from Eastern Europe has helped Britain’s economy to grow2448 NHS would collapse without steady supply of new immigrants2057
Attitudes towards immigration Negative statements Agree Disagree% Britain is overcrowded7515 Current immigration levels make community relations more difficult7413 Britain is losing its identity / culture7221 Because of low immigrant pay, it’s harder for our unemployed & low-skilled to find work5728
Immigration statistics Government figures… All % Are accurate and tell the full story 1 Are accurate as far as they go, but don’t tell the full story29 Are inaccurate56
Immigration statistics Government figures… AllLab% Are accurate and tell the full story 1 2 Are accurate as far as they go, but don’t tell the full story2949 Are inaccurate5632
What should the Tories do? Take a tougher stance on immigration? AllCon% Agree6285 Disagree15 9
What should the Tories do? Take a tougher stance on immigration? AllCon% Agree6285 Disagree15 9 But remember Romsey by-election
What should the Tories do? Views of party members, Sept 2005 ‘The new party leader should campaign more on the economy and the public services, and less on immigration, than in this year’s general election campaign’ Support74% Oppose17%
Len Pen’s record Pres.FN Deputies electionsvotesseats%
Len Pen’s record The 1986 breakthroughPres.FN Deputies electionsvotesseats%
Len Pen’s record Since 1986Pres. elections %
Len Pen’s record Since 1986Pres.FN Deputies electionsvotesseats%