By Hannah Hughes
Dachshunds are dogs. They are sometimes called hot dogs or wiener dogs because of their long body and short legs. They are also mammals.
Dachshunds usually live in homes. They are NOT wild.
Dachshunds eat dry or caned food to give them the proper nutrition. Don’t give them to much because if get to heavy they could break their back.
Queen Victoria had a dachshund, and she named him Dash. Some dachshunds came to America with soldiers from World War 1and World War 11. They were used to hunt small animals(mostly badgers)that dig burrows.
Dachshunds might be related to Saint Hubert dogs. Their names come from the German language, “dachs” means badger and “hund” means hound or dog. Dachshunds have a keen sense of smell. They can be long haired, short haired, or wire haired.
Quasha, Jennifer. The Story of the Dachshunds. New York: Rosen Publishing group Inc,2000.Print. “ Get to Know the Dachshund.” American Kennel Club. Web. 1 March 2013