Dig Deeper with Learning Through Internship A presentation deck for training educators on the Project MASH Big Picture Learning approach to LTI Full day session
Today’s explorations Gain a [deeper] understanding of Big Picture Learning’s unique approach to LTI Experience an informational interview to develop personal understanding and empathy for the process in which students will engage Debrief your experience and discuss with colleagues how best to support your students engaged in this and other LTI activities
3 Today’s Agenda 8:00-8:30Arrival & breakfast available 8:30-8:45Welcome & Overview 8:45-9:15Framing of Today’s LTI [Informational Interview] Experience 9:15-10:30Breaking into small groups and determining roles, Research and preparation for Informational Interview 10:30-1:00Learning Expeditions to engage in Informational Interview and Lunch (out in teams) 1:00-1:20Return, Small group debrief 1:20-2:00 Preparation for Presentations/Exhibitions 2:00-2:45Presentations/Exhibitions 2:45-3:15Small Group Team Process reflection and appreciations 3:15-4:00Whole group debrief & brainstorm about how/why to begin to integrate LTIs into school’s approach
What is Learning Through Internship?
Why do Learning Through Internship?
How does the Informational Interview fit into the Learning Through Internship Process?
Time to Get into your groups for the Informational Interviews!
In each group, what will the roles be? Lead Interviewer(s) Observer(s) (at least 1 is the “process observer”)
Why will we be observing our team’s process? Ancillary goal is to improve our professional collaboration Refer to the “Team Observation” document
What information will the participant(s) be trying to gather during the interviews? Refer to the handout “Community Partner Anthropology”
What role will the observer(s) play in our interviews? Refer to the handout “Observation Goals”
The organization that you will be visiting. The individual(s) who will be hosting you Preparation Time for the Inf. Int. Now you will focus on learning everything that you can about the particular site that you will be visiting and the individuals hosting your visit, use this time to research as much as you can about: TIME75 minutes
Time for the Interview! Depending on the location of your LTI Informational Interview site, and the time that the hosts are available, it will be up to your team to determine the best way to also schedule in lunch time and transportation. TIME2.5 hours (including lunch and transportation time!)
Small Group Debrief TIME20 min Review and discuss the: Community Partner Anthropology Observation Goals
Preparation for Presentation TIME40 min Get creative about how your team will most effectively present all that you learned during your Informational Interview experience.
Presentations! TIME45 min (If you wish to include an element of evaluation/assessment please see the “Scoring Rubric for Learning Expedition Presentations”)
Small Group Debrief TIME30 min Review & discuss “Team Observation” document Be sure to offer both constructive feedback as well as specific and targeted appreciations, and kudos. In what ways is debriefing the team function helpful, and how/why might it be applicable to our work with students?
Large Group Debrief & Brainstorm TIME45 min Review and discuss today’s experiences: What we’re my “wow!” moments? What am I still wondering? How might these opportunities be transformative for our students? How might we move forward on launching LTIs at our school?
List one standard and describe how today’s activity met a targeted skill. How did today’s activity meet the content goals for one standard? Common Core Connections Consider the experience you engaged in and and how it connects to the Common Core State Standards for skills or knowledge acquisition. TIME10 minutes
Project MASH is a social network for educators, students, and the organizations that serve them. On Project MASH you’ll find student activities and projects that rely on problem-based learning—or citizen science and other unique teaching strategies. Project MASH also includes professional development resources and support.
Want more? Visit Bigpicturelearning.org, and Project MASH for resources that align to Learning Through Internship and other teaching strategies, including design thinking, citizen science, making & tinkering, and more!Bigpicturelearning.org
Dig Deeper with Learning Through Internship A presentation deck for training educators on the Project MASH Big Picture Learning approach to LTI Full day session