The benefits of using TESOL standards to guide instructional design
What is the relationship between academic language and content It is very important for students to understand the academic language in developing understanding in content area. Students in a content area class must be ready to manipulate a wide range of specific linguistic features associated with the content area.
What are the principles of academic language proficiency that underlie the TESOL English language proficiency standards
Principle 1: Language proficiency is an outgrowth of cumulative experiences both inside and outside of school It is important for teachers to build upon the students background and knowledge, including the linguistically and culturally based perspectives they bring to classroom. Take the English learners social language experiences and build off of them.
Principle 2: Language proficiency can reflect complex thinking when linguistic complexity is reduced and support is present I.Students at the early stages of English language acquisition can demonstrate complex thinking even if they must use simple language. II.Teachers can implement this principle by using strategies and instructional support even at early stages of English language proficiency
Principle 3: Both social and academic language proficiencies are necessary for school success. -Social and academic language proficiencies often develop simultaneously in the context of school. -Teachers must understand the differences for success of the student.
Principle 4: Academic language proficiency works in tandem with academic achievement -Mastery of academic language is needed by all students for long term success in core content areas.
Principle 5: Academic language proficiency is developed through sustained content-based language instruction -English language learners must receive initial and continuing school based language support for full proficiency necessary for academic success.
Principle 6 Native language proficiency- in particular, academic language proficiency in the native language- facilitates the acquisition of academic language proficiency in English
TESOL preK-12 ELP Standards Standards of National Organizations Common Topics State Standards