American Nuclear Society Young Members Group Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Peter F. Caracappa November 10, 2010 – Las Vegas, NV.


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Presentation transcript:

American Nuclear Society Young Members Group Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Peter F. Caracappa November 10, 2010 – Las Vegas, NV

Young Member Group Mission The Young Members Group works to encourage and enable all young professional members to be actively involved in the efforts and endeavors of the Society at all levels by: –sponsoring non-technical workshops and meetings –collaborating with other Divisions and Groups in developing technical and non-technical content for topical and national meetings –encouraging its members to participate in the activities of the Groups and Divisions that are closely related to their professional interests as well as in their local sections –introducing young members to the rules and governance structure of the Society –nominating young professionals for awards and leadership opportunities available to members.

YMG Leadership ( ) *Chair: Peter F. Caracappa *Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Jennifer Varnadoe Secretary: Tyler Schweitzer Treasurer: Jesse Klingensmith Past Chair: George A. Tsakanikas Ex Officio: Michaele Brady Raap Board Liaison: Kazuaki Matsui * Must be under the age of thirty-six (36) (or within five (5) years of graduation from an accredited educational institution), and cannot be a student member.

YMG Division Liaisons Serve as point of contact between Professional Division (PD) or Technical Group (TG) and YMG Identify potential collaborations between PD/TG and YMG Expected duties include: –Attending YMG Executive Committee meetings at the ANS National Meetings –Participating in discussions on the executive committee list serv –Providing a report on the activities of the YMG to PD/TG at each ANS National Meeting –Working with PD/TG governance to identify potential areas of collaboration with YMG –Notifying YMG of opportunities for collaboration with PD/TG, such as: Jointly organized sessions or workshops Involving young members in program or meeting planning for PD/TG sponsored activities Involving young members in the governance of the PD/TG –Serving as coordinator for joint programs and activities between the PD/TG and YMG Facilitating communication between contributors to those programs Providing updates to the PD/TG on progress toward the objectives of the joint program or activity

Membership Trends


Division Planning Strategic Plan –4-year plan approved in 2008 –Preparing for renewal this year –Succession plan included in Strategic Plan –Active through this year - nominating committee tasked with considering succession plan for two additional years –Focus on 3 main goals: Encourage Students to Remain Members Following Graduation Increase Young Member Involvement in All Areas of the Society Support Society Meetings through YMG Sponsored and Co-Sponsored Sessions Rules and Bylaws –Fully endorsed by BRC

Communications Newsletter –2 Issues Annually, Distributed by prior to annual meeting YMG Website –Implementing plan to provide more frequent short website updates in place of static newsletter Reviewing Recruiting Program Targeted to Graduating Students

Contributions to ANS and ANS Membership Embedded topical: Young Professionals’ Congress –Very successful meeting in 2009 –Smaller event planned for 2011, as bridge to shifting YPC to odd-year summer meeting Standards Associate Membership Program –Increases young member involvement with ANS standards –Seeking better avenues for promotion Working relationships with other professional organizations –North American Young Generation in Nuclear Co-sponsors of Young Professionals Congress –International Youth Nuclear Congress Supported IYNC2010 as a Class IV meeting Seeking ways to help with US-based IYNC2012

National Meeting Participation 2009 Winter Meeting –Young Professionals Congress as embedded topical including 18 sponsored and co-sponsored sessions –Co-sponsored 2 additional sessions in meeting proper 2010 Winter Meeting –Co-Sponsoring 1 session 2011 Annual Meeting –Sponsoring 3 sessions

CY 2008 YMG Metrics Division Meetings Division Governance Division Contributions to Society Division Services to Membership National Meeting Participation 2008 Annual: 0 sessions, 0 panels 2008 Winter: 0 sessions. 0 panels Succession Planning Succession Plan established in 2006 Strategic Plan; updated in 2008 ANS Position Statements Not responsible for Position Statements Professional Development Young Professionals Congress Student Workshop 2007 Young Professionals Congress 2008 June Young Professionals Training Session Class I, Class II Topicals Membership Trends 1056/1116 mbrs +5.7% change /1282 mbrs +14.9% change /1389 mbrs +9% change 2008 Participation with Outside Professional Societies NA-YGN, IYNC Scholarships No scholarship established Class III TopicalsCommunications 2 newsletters 2008 website updated in 2008 Society Leadership 3 of 4 PDC; 4 of 4 NPC 75% Exec Com BoD presentation Nov 2008 Peer Recognition/ Awards 2008 YMG Commendation for the YMG training workshop Division Planning Strategic Plan submitted 2006 Reviewed in 2008 Non-Meeting Publications ANS News 2005, ANS Globe 2006, New Member Welcome Package, ANS Globe 2007 Student Support Organization Support & Student Mentor 2008 Winter Meeting Travel YMG Meeting Participation June / Nov = 174 June / Nov = 161 Trend: 174/ % change 2006 June 2007—72 / Nov =170 Trend 161/ % change 2007 June 2008 – 89/Nov 2008 – 76 = 165 Trend 170 / % change 2008 YMG Membership Trends Only Young members 791/ % change in / % change in / & change in 2008

Summary Metrics - looking good Areas of Success –Strong Young Professionals Congress Program –Relationship with NA-YGN and IYNC –Solid year-to-year membership growth –Bylaws and rules fully approved and endorsed Focus for Future Action –Re-invigorate national meeting program (outside of YPC) –Improve website for use as a more timely communications tool –Evaluate and improve membership growth programs –Expand collaboration with NA-YGN and participation in the activities of IYNC