Mr. Kallusingh World History
Developed around rivers like the Nile, Tigris/ Euphrates, Indus, and Huang that flooded the soil for the farmers Cities developed as people began to settle down with division of labor, artisans, kings, government, cultural diffusion coming later
The longer cities were inhabited the more ideas began to spread like Science, Math, writing, etc Religion was developed to explain the forces of nature and the existence of man
The land in between the Tigris and Euphrates is so well suited for farming it is called the Fertile Crescent The Sumerians were the first group of people to inhabit this area, but not for long as this area was under constant attack, they invented cuneiform-the oldest form of writing, it has 600 symbols
Sumerians created ziggurats as religious temples City-States were all Sumerian, but they did not work together. City-States were run by priests and then kings because of competition for food Code of Hammurabi is the first known law code based on the philosophy ‘an eye for an eye’
Nile river floods during the summer rain fertilizing the soil. The Nile flows north and the winds blow south allowing travel both ways Egypt is surrounded by desert and sea which helps isolate it from the rest of the world They built pyramids, made paper from papyrus, created a form of writing hieroglyphics, made calendar to track floods, figured out mummification
Old Kingdom BC, built pyramids and sphinx, two social classes lower-farmers and peasants upper-pharaoh, priest, scribes, govt officials Middle Kingdom BC, ‘Golden Age’, pharaohs lose power to nobles, Hyksos invaded with chariots New Kingdom BC, pharaohs had absolute power, turned into an empire, Amenhotep tried monotheism
The monsoon rain provided water for the crops, but if it came late they dried up and if there is to much rain then they flood Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro were two of the early cities in India about 4500 years ago, Harappa could support up to people
Caste System 1)Brahmans- priest and rulers 2)Kshatriyas- warriors 3)Vaisyas- merchants, commerce, farmers 4)Sudras- majority of population, workers 5)Untouchables- 5% of people, trash collectors and handle dead bodies Hinduism- it is polytheistic, believes in reincarnation, goal is nirvana
Buddhism- focused around ethics, desire causes suffering, no god Confucianism- dominates Chinese history, society is more important than the individual Daoism- created by Lao-Tzu, individual is more important than society, Legalism- humans are evil by nature, harsh laws to control humans
Shang dynasty created a strong bureaucracy, introduced animism Zhou dynasty introduced the Mandate of Heaven, broke up the kingdom into provinces weakening the central power