Stress in Two-Word Verbs 1 Two-Word Verbs Separated = stress both Together = one stress is lost
Two-word verbs: Separated Stress both You’re winding me up She shut the computer down 2
Two-word verbs: Together One stress is lost, 2 possibilities 1) Accent the 2 nd element when it is at the end of a tone unit – If you hope to break through – The plane’s about to take off! – Come out! Come out ! (« Hide & Seek » song) – You’d better look out. – His dog was run over. 3
Two-word verbs: Together, At end 4 ifyouHOPEtobreak THROUGH thePLANE’SaBOUTtotake OFF come OUT come OUT you’dBEtterlook OUT hisDOGwasrun O ver
Technology for Country Folk Log On = Making a wood stove hot Log off = Too much wood on fire 5
Two-word verbs: Together One stress is lost, 2 possibilities 2) When a noun object follows, EITHER the 1 st or the 2 nd element can be stressed, depending on the rhythm – She’s taken up stamp collecting – We’ve run out of bread – Turn up the heat I’ve put away my books OR I’ve just put away my books 6
Two-word verbs: Together, N.Obj. she’sTAkenupSTAMPcollecting we‘veRUNoutofBREAD TURNuptheHEAT i’vePUTawaymyBOOKS i’veJUSTputaWAYmyBOOKS 7
Which element would you stress? Wake them up before it’s too late. She tried them on at the store. I won’t let her put you down like that! I wouldn’t turn that job offer down. If you talk back, you’ll be in trouble! The plane’s about to take off! She should stand up for herself more. Turn off the lights before you leave. I really could do with a bit of chocolate. 8
Answers: Wake them up before it’s too late. She tried them on at the store. I won’t let her put you down like that! I wouldn’t turn that job offer down. If you talk back // you’ll be in trouble! The plane’s about to take off! She should stand up // for herself more. Turn off the lights before you leave. I really could do with a bit of chocolate. 9
Stress in Two-Word Verbs 10 Two-Word Verbs Separated = stress both Together = one stress is lost At end = stress 2nd If noun object = rhythm decides