National Geography History Project Resources for teaching history with a geographic perspective Michigan Geographic Alliance New York Center for Geographic Education Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education Croft Institute for International Studies
National Geography History Project This CD Rom, Resources for Teaching History with a Geographic Perspective, was developed to help teachers include geography while teaching the eras of world history. It was developed under a grant from National Geographic Educational Foundation, by partners from Michigan Geographic Alliance, New York Center for Geographic Education, Grosvenor Center for Geographic Education, and the Croft Institute for International Studies. Dr. Michael Libbee, Central Michigan University Dr. Phil Gersmehl, Hunter College Dr. David Rutherford, Mississippi State University Dr. Richard Boehm, Texas State University Judy Behrens, Texas State University Judy Lucas, Texas Geographic Alliance Ed Bonne, Michigan Geographic Alliance This is a draft product. Using the matrix, choose a topic and an era. Clicking on that box will take you to the name of the lesson (s) and a url. Click on the url to find the website.
Main Menu To On Cultural Patterns EnlightenmentExpansion of SlaveryReconstructionRising Middle Class Civil Rights, Aids Economics MercantilismCotton KingdomIndustrializationNew Deal High Tech Industry Globalization Environment Physical RegionsLouisiana Purchase Sod Busting Deforestation National Parks Dust Bowl EPA Geo-Politics Revolution War of 1812 Monroe Doctrine ImperialismWorld Wars Cold War Korea and Vietnam Migration Discovery Lewis and Clark Germans/Irish “New” Europeans South to North Farm to City 3 rd World Immigrants Regional Differences Types of Colonies Sectionalism Civil War The West Resources Colonial Agriculture Pioneers Great Lakes Homesteading Cattle, Mining Farm Machinery, Oil, Fishing Green Revolution Settlement Colonization Manifest Destiny Mexican War Westward Movement Alaska ImperialismSunbelt Social Patterns Native Americans Reform Movement, Underground Railroad PopulismProgressives Transportation Canals, TrailsRailroadsAviationInterstate Highways Urbanization Port CitiesSmall Town AmericaIndustrial BeltSuburbs
The Enlightenment Return to main menu
Mercantilism Return to main menu
Physical Regions Regions: A Hands-on Approach ons.html Return to main menu
The Revolution Return to main menu
Discovery The Vinland Map ries Return to main menu
Types of Colonies Return to main menu
Colonial Agriculture Return to main menu
Colonization Mapping Colonial New England Tinker, Tailor, Farmer, Sailor Return to main menu
Native Americans From the Land, of the Land Interpreting Rock Art of the Anasazi Return to main menu
Transportation to 1789 Return to main menu
Port Cities Return to main menu
Expansion of Slavery Return to main menu
Cotton Kingdom Return to main menu
Louisiana Purchase Return to main menu
War of 1812 Monroe Doctrine The Monroe Doctrine Return to main menu
Lewis and Clark Germans Irish Lewis and Clark’s Journey West: A Timeline Challenges of River Travel Ancestors in the Americas German Immigrants in the Upper Midwest Return to main menu
Sectionalism Civil War Before Brother Fought Brother Return to main menu
Pioneers Great Lakes Return to main menu
Manifest Destiny Mexican War Establishing Borders plans/borders/lesson1.html Mexican War Return to main menu
Reform Movement Underground Railroad Underground Railroad Return to main menu
Canals and Trails Go West—Imagining the Oregon Trail Return to main menu
Small Town America Return to main menu
Reconstruction Return to main menu
Industrialization Guns, Germs, and Steel Return to main menu
Sod Busting Deforestation Return to main menu
Imperialism Return to main menu
“New” Europeans Migration: Why We Move Human Migration: Cultural Landscape n.html Human Migration into the US Return to main menu
The West Return to main menu
Homesteading Cattle Mining Life on the Great Plains Bring No Poor Articles With You Boomtown to Ghost Town Return to main menu
Westward Movement Alaska Harriman Alaska Expedition Demise of the Great American Frontier Return to main menu
Populism Return to main menu
Railroads I Hear the Locomotives—Transcontinental RR Planning a Railroad Return to main menu
Industrial Belt Carl Sandburg’s Chicago Urban Growth in America America/ Return to main menu
Rising middle class Return to main menu
New Deal Return to main menu
National Parks Dust Bowl Dust Bowl Days Return to main menu
World Wars How to Win a World War The War World War II: The Pacific Return to main menu
South to North Return to main menu
Regional Differences Return to main menu
Farm Machinery Oil Fishing Sea Changes: Fishing In New England Return to main menu
Imperialism Return to main menu
Progressives Return to main menu
Aviation The Wright Brothers Adventure Return to main menu
Urbanization Return to main menu
Civil Rights Aids Ordinary People, Ordinary Places HIV/AIDS Spread of AIDS ade.html ade.html Return to main menu
High Tech Industry Globalization Effects of Globalization Globalization tml Return to main menu
EPA About A Tree: the work of Mark Olson Water Use Estuaries ml Return to main menu
Cold War Korea and Vietnam Origins of the Cold War US Trade Embargo on Cuba The Role of NATO Submarines in the Cold War l Return to main menu
3 rd World Immigrants Migration—Sudan to US Return to main menu
Regional Difference 1945 On Return to main menu
Green Revolution Return to main menu
Sunbelt Geography Coast to Coast People on the Move Return to main menu
Social Patterns 1945 On Return to main menu
Interstate Highways Return to main menu
Suburbs Traditional Town and Modern Suburbs Design your own suburb ml What to do about Sprawl l Life on the Edge Return to main menu