Secretariat for External Relations 09-09-2010. Mission The mission of the Secretariat for External Relations (SER) is to disseminate the role of the Organization.


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Presentation transcript:

Secretariat for External Relations

Mission The mission of the Secretariat for External Relations (SER) is to disseminate the role of the Organization as the institution for promoting democratic governance, sustainable development, multidimensional security, and respect for human rights in the Hemisphere; and to contribute to the strengthening of the Organization’s institutional image. In keeping with its objectives, the SER performs functions aimed at developing and implementing communication strategies and strengthening the image of the Organization; develop and disseminate a uniform message based on the Organization’s priorities; strengthening ties with international and hemispheric agencies and institutions to coordinate policy; foster cooperation with the host country, as well as with observer countries and multilateral organizations; broadening and disseminating information on the cultural heritage of the Americas; coordinating fundraising for programs and projects with donors and partners; and promoting the participation of civil society in matters related to OAS priorities.


What do we do? Build support for the Organization by enhancing awareness, generating a positive perception, promoting engagement of key actors and mobilizing resources for the implementation of the mandates and core programs of the Organization

Our plan Mobilize Resources Engage key Actors Generate a Positive Perception Enhance Awareness

Overall low visibility Relatively unknown to broader audiences Intense competition for attention from Actors Complex Role of a multilateral Limited Resources for External Relations ALLIGNED MESSAGE First Institutional Image Strategy in 60 years Re-launched the website First annual report on a thematic basis Improved promotional materials Regular lectures, presentations and Policy Roundtables Cultural exhibitions focused on OAS mandates and programs Better Press outreach Newsletter & revamp of Americas Magazine Creation of OAS Caucus/Regular contact/US Congressional Outreach Challenges Actions Taken INCREASE AWARENESS 1

Barack Obama, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the OAS By Michael Shifter

Enhance Awareness - Plan Promote OAS values through Americas Magazine/ Museum/Centennial Create deeper understanding – recognition of OAS initiatives and priorities - inside and outside the Organization/ Build greater media presence for OAS - traditional and new media Coordinate support of hemisphere’s civil society / Take advantage of existing audience of Lectures and OAS Policy Roundtables Outreach to Think Tanks, Foundations and the Private Sector Bring the OAS to major cities through exhibit and speakers INCREASE AWARENESS 1 Outreach to other levels of government and ministries; and use of network of national offices

Generating a Positive Perception Challenges Actions Taken IMPROVE PERCEPTION OAS capacity to show results OAS is sometimes defined by its detractors Move OAS from a defensive position to a proactive platform that creates a better understanding and appreciation of the good work OAS does behind the scenes. More focused message on five pillars Greater transparency in engaging important audiences Greater transparency in administrative processes Focus distribution of OAS reports Design and show programs with key Actors Clear and concise annual reports New key OAS publications (Electoral Handbook, JSWG Documents, Centennial issue of Americas Magazine) Think tank and Latino community outreach 2

Promoting Democracy Defending Human Rights Ensuring a Multidimensional Approach to Security Fostering Integral Development Support Inter-American Legal Cooperation

Generating a Positive Perception - Plan Foster collaboration and coordination among all OAS departments to have a consistent external message – Promote development results through a programmatic approach Support departments in leveraging their initiatives and good work/ Building greater media presence for expert and projects/New institutional engagement with Think Tanks IMPROVE PERCEPTION 2 Build a sustained, integrated campaign that leverages OAS’ strengths, convening power and program expertise — With support of PEC and Secretariats, identify and proactively communicate success stories

Engage Key Actors ENGAGE STEAKHOLDERS Challenges Actions Taken Too many single activities not result oriented Lack of programmatic focus Multiple voices No concise map of existing and new actors Consolidating arrangements with key Actors Create EOM Fund MOU with Canada, Spain, EU and with other key donor agencies OAS Caucus created in 2009 and continuous follow up OAS coordination with JSWG, Tripartite Committee other institutional partners 3

BROOKINGS U.S Chamber of Commerce PRIVATE SECTOR PARTNERSHIPS THROUGH WASHINGTON, April The Secretary General of the Organization of American States, José Miguel Insulza, met today with US Congressman Gregory Meeks (D-NY) to discuss the launching of the Organization of American States Congressional Caucus at the US Congress.

Engage Key Actors - Plan Leverage our convening power to organize activities to promote OAS principles Building a campaign around the priorities of the organizations as set by the Member States Strong and high-level Private Sector engagement/ In-depth stakeholder mapping exercise (including advocates, allies, critics and neutrals) ENGAGE Actors 3

Our General Constituencies Private Sector Individuals Philanthropic Foundations Other Institutions that Provide Development Assistance Member States & Agencies Permanent Observers & Agencies JSWG Civil Society Media Think Tanks/Academia Cultural Organizations

Mobilize Resources MOBILIZE RESOURCES Challenges Actions Taken Worldwide financial crisis Shift in global development priorities Decentralized cooperation Competition for resources New standards for measuring results Massive campaign for Haiti in partnership with PADF Raise 300K for Centennial Campaign from Private Sector H2L2 – Base assessment study ready for building needs and opportunities Increased Board Members of Affiliates (Museum and Trust) (by number and participation) OAS Online donations Advocacy with Member States to increase quotas and link to inflation New MOUs in the works Cooperanet – Regional Donor Coordination South-South and triangular Coperation 4

Washington D.C - PADF, the natural disaster relief arm of the Organization of American States, has more than 150 people working Haiti on economic development, disaster mitigation and protecting human rights. Washington D.C – Chevron, NTN24 and AES support the OAS Centennial Campaign with 225K Washington D.C -January 21, 2010 OAS HOSTS FUNDRAISER EVENT FOR HAITI

Mobilize Resources - Plan Support the General Secretariats’ efforts to secure funding for Member States priorities and initiatives Stronger private sector and foundations involvement/ Friends of OAS Local offices to develop specific Resource Mobilization Strategy Development of resource Mobilization including Capital Campaign MOBILIZE RESOURCES 4 Develop mechanisms to ensure proper coordination of OAS donors including results- based reporting




Budget Projected Sources of Financing by Fund (All Funds)