Level Design Document StarCraft 2 Map for World Of Tanks Pajman Sarafzadeh
Features -Based on Normandy Countryside -Hedgerows and Mountains provide cover and occlusion creating multiple Ambush lanes-Benefit Team advance and slow movement over charge tactics. -Start Locations elevated with multiple access route and designated sniper location-defendable base area’s -Single, centralised Victory Location will force teams to be aggressive -Direct Assault is exposed, winning the battle in the flank areas will give a more cover route of advance
Inspiration-Reference Normandy -Hedgerows create massive patterns -Enclosures of exposed Arable farmland -Surrounded by Thick Vegetation for cover
Inspiration-Reference -Low visibility, Line of Sight -Overgrown Vegetation -Easy Ambush lanes Restrictive Line Of Sight
Inspiration-Reference -Long Roads create sniper alley's -High Advantage adds to alley -Hedgerows limit line of sight balancing long range unit Sniper vs Ambush Balancing
The Map Simple Sketch LEGEND 1)Player one Start 2)Player two Start 3)Elevated Sniper area 4)Central Village Elevation Road Elevation Road
The Map StarCraft 2 Mock-up 1)Hedgerows provide cover and occlusion 2)Farm and Pasture create Ambush area’s 3)Long Roads good for Sniping 4)Dedicates Sniper 5)Start Positions elevated 6)Central Village, victory location 6
The Map Player 1 Start 1)3 Access Ramps 2)Elevated Sniper Position 3)Occluder - LOS Player Can choose to attack, defend base or pick a Sniper position 3 separate routes for advance Hedgerows and Mountains cover defenders and attackers by breaking LOS
The Map Player 2 Start 1)3 Access Ramps 2)Elevated Sniper Position 3)Occluder - LOS Player Can choose to attack, defend base or pick a Sniper position 3 separate routes for advance Hedgerows and Mountains cover defenders and attackers by breaking LOS
The Map Western Flank 1)Player 1 Advance 2)Player 2 Advance 3)Victory Location Roads provide fast movement exposed to fire Hedgerows provide cover but slow advance. Opportunity to attack base of victory location
The Map Eastern Flank 1)Player 1 Advance 2)Player 2 Advance 3)Victory Location Roads provide fast movement exposed to fire Hedgerows provide cover but slow advance. Opportunity to attack base of victory location
The Map Victory Location 1)Player 1 Base 2)Player 2 Base 3)Victory Location 4)Eastern Flank 5)Western Flank Goal Is to capture this area Mountains, Hedgerows and Buildings break up Sniping Opportunities 4 Separate directions for advance.