Negotiating Roles in Relationships By: Eden, Shelby and Vanessa
Negotiating Roles- discuss the distribution of tasks in any relationship Discussion Questions 1)What is your perspective on gender roles and on negotiating roles? Explain. 2)What are your parents roles in your house hold? 3)What are the costs and benefits of gender roles in a family?
Intro/Explanation: Traditional Roles: -Men: instrumental role, pursue success in achieving financial stability -Women: expressive role, maintain and take care of family and marriage Now: Traditional roles do not apply as much -dual income families (balancing roles between spouses) -different cultures & religions & traditions it does -negotiating in heterosexual couples (more social norms) vs. same sex couples (no social norms)
Roles of Marital System Functionalism & Systems Theory -Develop strategies for everyday work, house work and marital decision making Reciprocal roles
Meeting Each others Needs Learn how to contribute and receive in marital relationship Marital Relationship has social and emotional needs Communication is key Need to take assertive roles = respect for self and spouse
Outside Influences Affect how couples want to create their relationships Some include: -cultural -social -family traditions -ideological Now: Narrow gap between gender roles