Overview of Strategic Planning Committee Initial meeting-July 16-17, Ft. Lauderdale, FL Executive Committee Planning Telecon-Aug 12 –Discuss NCMA Board Self-Assessment Results. –Set Context for Strategic Planning – Mega Trends and Implications for NCMA. –Reaffirm NCMA Identity - Mission, Purpose Values. –Refine NCMA Vision – What Will Success Look Like in the Future? –Revisit NCMA Objectives – Are These Still the Right Ones? Executive Committee meeting-Aug 26, Ashburn, VA SPC meetings- six meetings in Fall 2010 –Four working groups established- desired outcomes, enabling tactics, and metrics Proposed Actions for Board Revised mission and vision Revised draft strategic objectives Revised policy 1-4 (handout) Request for Board Approval NCMA Strategic Planning Update and Request for Board Approval December 11, 2010
* Taken from Jean Franekl’s presentation to SPC at NCMA World Congress 2010
Feedback From: -External Board Survey -Megatrend Assessment -CM Supply/Demand -Career Path Changing -Rapid Pace of Change -July 16-17, 2010 Strategic Planning Meeting Needs Identified: Better alignment of priorities, goals, activities, metrics More focus on member’s needs (Fred) More open exchange of ideas in neutral forum Back to basics Be a voice for advocacy of professionalism Continuous learning and professional development Need For Revised Mission, Vision, and Strategic Planning Strategic Planning Committee Assigned Actions Teams to Update
NCMA’s mission is to improve organizational performance through effective contract management. NCMA’s mission is to advance the contract management profession. NCMA Mission Existing Mission Proposed Mission Refocus on Acquisition as a Profession
Vision for the Profession Contract management will be viewed by all organizations – public and private – as an essential business management function that directly contributes to organizational success and profitability. People will recognize contract management is a challenging and rewarding profession, and will prepare for and seek out positions in the profession. Universities will provide undergraduate and graduate degree programs and courses designed to prepare students for entry or advancement in the contract management profession. Vision for the Organization NCMA will lead the definition of the contract management profession. NCMA will play a central role in the entry, development, and advancement of all CM professionals involved in U.S. Federal acquisition. NCMA will be a model for not-for-profit individual membership organizations, recognized for innovation, effective and efficient operations, and responsible governance. NCMA will lead and represent the contract management profession. Our vision is that enterprises will succeed through improved buyer–seller relationships based on common values, practices, and professional standards. Proposed NCMA Vision NCMA Vision NCMA Vision Expand Vision for Profession and for Organization
Next Generation of CM Professionals (University Outreach & Relations Committee) Increase Professional Advocacy (Professionalism Advocacy Committee) Reach Federal Contracting Community (Strategic Planning Committee) Develop Professional Standards (Professional Standards & Ethics Committee) Develop and institutionalize an effective advocacy outreach process and capability for the profession. Create standards for the profession that are widely recognized and adopted Create Programs and services to help people enter into and progress within the contract management profession Improve value for existing and potential members NCMA Strategic Goals Proposed Strategic Goals Overarching Goals to drive all NCMA activities longer term Strategic Goals
Draft Goals and Desired Outcomes Goals and Outcomes Proposed for Board Approval * Handout-Detailed enabling tactics, metrics, and outcomes, aligned with above Working GroupsGoalDesired Outcomes 1 Charles D. Chadwick, Lead Develop and institutionalize an effective advocacy outreach process and capability for the profession. Public recognition that CM is a legitimate professional endeavor. Public recognition that NCMA is the preeminent neutral forum for Contracting professionals. Larry Trowel Steven L. Schooner Elliott Branch 2 Michael P. Fischetti, Lead Create standards for the profession that are widely recognized and adopted NCMA Members recognize and abide by the association's professional and ethical standards and principles. NCMA's "CMBOK" is accepted across multiple domains (Govt, Industry, academia) as a framework of common practices, thus enabling fruitful discussion on the betterment of our profession. Tom Robinson Bunnie Pasternak Drew Obermeyer 3 Gary L. Poleskey, Lead Create Programs and services to help people enter into and progress within the contract management profession NCMA creates a pipeline of entrants into the association and into the CM field by offering relevant services to students and cross- trainees. NCMA supports the career development of its members by offering information about related career fields. Steve Ayers Russ Blaine Po Collins 4 Neal J. Couture, Lead Improve value for existing and potential members We will know we are successful when we have a specified number of members, achieve specified levels of membership engagement, and achieve a specified level of overall membership satisfaction (all goals to be determined). Brian K. Greenberg Whitney A. Taylor
Updated Mission, Vision, and Strategic Objectives according to new Strategic Planning Committees revision., Updated environmental trends to include recent megatrends NCMA Policy 1-4 Revisions
Next Steps: Action Plan Board approval of revised mission, vision, strategic goals and desired outcomes Request committees annual plans based on enabling tactics, metrics, and desired outcomes Committees submit revised plans to Strategic Planning Committee Monthly Strategic Planning Committee meetings continue Preserve NCMA’s Core and Stimulate Progress