DNADNA eoxyribo ucleic cid …and some really cool Genetics too!


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Presentation transcript:

DNADNA eoxyribo ucleic cid …and some really cool Genetics too!

Genetics Terms Chromosome: A long strand of DNA that contains many genes. Gene: A specific location on a chromosome that codes for a specific trait. Ex: the gene for having/not having Ear Pits! Allele: Two “versions” of the same gene. Ex: Dominant for not blue eyes, or recessive for blue eyes.

More Genetics Terms… Loci: The exact location of a gene on a chromosome. Autosome v. Sex Chromosome Autosomes control all non-gender traits, while your sex chromosomes (X and Y) control gender.

Gene-Chromosome Theory The Gene-Chromosome Theory is simply saying that on the same chromosome in every person (ex: chromosome #4) every gene on that chromosome is in the same location.

Write this down 100,000 times: You have TWO genes for every ONE trait.

We have 46 chromosomes total, but we think about them as 23 PAIRS. Each pair controls the same traits. For pair #11, one came from MOM and one came from DAD

DNA Function Controls all protein production for the body. Controls all genetic traits. Controls some personality traits?

The Monomer of DNA is… A Nucleotide! A nucleotide consists of: - A sugar (deoxyribose) - A Phosphate - A Nitrogenous Base (either Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine or Thymine)

Nitty Gritty on DNA DNA is like a twisted ladder, this is called a double helix The “backbones” are made of alternating sugar (deoxyribose) & phosphates The “rungs” are made of nitrogenous bases (A,T,C, & G) Adenine ALWAYS goes with Thymine Cytosine ALWAYS goes with Guanine

What happens during Interphase? The original strand of DNA “unzips”. Each “open” nucleotide binds to a new complimentary nucleotide. End result is two identical strands of DNA, each half of the original and half new. Yup! Chromosomes duplicate, or make an exact copy!

ube.com/watch ?v=rpwjZX_z5r g DNA Replication YouTube Clip

Mutations A mutation is a spontaneous and random change in the base pair sequence of DNA. Mutations can be caused by environmental factors such as UV light (sunshine), Nuclear Radiation and other chemicals. Mutations can also occur due to an error while DNA replicates itself.

Different Mutations

Types of Mutations: 1. Insertion (or Addition) Mutation: Occurs when an extra base pair is randomly inserted into the chain. 2. Deletion Mutation: Occurs when a base pair is erroneously taken out of the chain.

Types of Mutations: 3. Point Mutation: This is a random change of one base pair. In this case the A was substituted with a C. This caused Sickle Cell Anemia.

Protein Production DNARNAProtein

Basic RNA Structure RNA is single stranded RNA can leave the nucleus, DNA can not RNA uses Uracil instead of Thymine

Ribonucleic Acid: RNA RNA copies pieces of DNA (a gene) and then carries that information out of the nucleus and to the “job site” (which is called the __________.) Only one gene on the DNA molecule is copied into RNA. (Even though DNA carries ALL information for ALL genes) Just like a cook book contains 100’s of recipes, but you use the information for just one recipe at a time. ribosome

Codons & Anti-Codons MUY IMPORTANTE!!! Every THREE bases on an RNA molecule is called a CODON. Every CODON codes for a specific amino acid. An ANTI-CODON has the complementary base pairs and physically carries an individual amino acid to the ribosome.

3 Types of RNA 1.mRNA (messenger RNA): This is the single stranded RNA that copies the information from a portion of DNA and leaves the nucleus. 2.tRNA (transfer RNA): These are only 3 base pairs long and contain an anti-codon (the complements to a codon) and carry a single amino acid to the “production site” of the protein. 3.rRNA (ribosomal RNA): This is (obviously) found in the ribosome and helps tRNA and mRNA communicate.

HINT: Transcription and Translation occur in alphabetical order!! Copying a portion of DNA into a strand of RNA Converting the information on the RNA strand into a protein molecule


Translation Ribosome mRNA 1. The mRNA is “read” by the ribosome one codon at a time.. 2.The tRNA brings the correct amino acid to the ribosome. 3.The amino acids are linked together in the order dictated by the mRNA strand. 4.The sequence of amino acids determines the type and structure of a protein molecule.

Transcription & Translation Review ? ? ? ? Transcription Video Accurate Translation Clip And another!

Translation: Amino Acid Codon Chart Ala ThrGlu LeuArg Ser STOP!

DNA Electrophoresis Quiz 1. cut the DNA into various size fragments. 2. The DNA pieces are loaded into a which acts like a maze. 3. An runs through the gel carrying the charged DNA through the gel. The shorter the piece, the it travels. Restriction enzymes gel electric current negatively farther