CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Jin Gu Dept of Computer & Information Sciences University of Delaware Cyber-security & Finance
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Part-1 Prototyping a Computer-Based Simulation of the Finance Sector
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Part-1 1. build a FSM (financial sector model) prototype based on a tool, Web*DECIDE 2. The anticipate outcome: various dynamic models helpful with risk management
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Purpose of prototyping 1. enable a business to perform integrated risk management of cyber and physical threat 2. offer the capacity to simulate a business organization in relationship to a number of communities 3. Enable firms to map their system’s architectures within a secure environment.
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Major Components The major components of the prototype are: 1.Enterprises 2.Views 3.Equities Market 4.Transactions 5.Scenario 6.Injects 7.Simulation Engine
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Major Components
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Findings 1. Developing a simulation that affords direct and easy interface 2. Making it easy to maintain - ensuring the data that supports it is easily updated; 3. Ensuring that it meets a set of research and development priorities, as defined by sector officials.
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Doubt 1. No experiment 2. The seven components are set in the tool mentioned above in which way?
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Part-2 Cybersecurity in Banking and Financial Sector: Security Analysis of a Mobile Banking Application
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Introduction 1. the convenience of mobile banking is apparent 2. any information either stored or transmitted is encrypted. 3. Disassemble and analyze an existing banking application
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Existing works 1. About the attacks intercepting the data exchange between the end user and the bank 2. About the software attacks
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Existing works 3. Use the dynamic password (OTP) 4. Use of declarative security enhancement to HTTP protocol
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Experimental Security Analysis Chase Mobile banking application: 1. Data over the network 2. Code in the phone
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Network Communication Employ a network sniffer & study the application’s traffic.
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Network Communication
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Network Communication
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Network Communication
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Source Code Dex2jar: transform apk to jar
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Source Code JD-GUI: reverse the Java bytecode back to source
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Conclusion & Future Work 1. Have yet find any security issues in either network communication or its source code. (but not complete) 2. Investigation at the system level
CISC 849 : Applications in Fintech Thank you !