The Boko Haram: Out of the Sambisa The Boko Haram grabbed the international spotlight when its members ambushed a school dormitory in Chibok, Borno State, Nigeria, in the middle of the night on April 14, Over 219 of the 276 girls between the ages of 15 and 18 are still missing. The Boko Haram’s stronghold is in the Sambisa Forest. What used to be a game reserve is now the Boko Haram’s hideout and the space measures over 23,000 square miles. Great care must be given in searching for the Chibok girls and others because the Boko Haram have set landmines in the forest. So who are the Boko Haram? Why is the group of Islamic insurgents so angry and can we do anything to help rid the world of the terror unleashed on innocent civilians? Nigeria is located in west central Africa. Chibok and the Sambisa Forest are located in northeast Nigeria. The northeast is where most of the bombings, raids, kidnappings and murder take place. People are constantly on the move, forced to leave homes and family behind to escape to the next ‘safe’ place.
The lay of the land For our discussion today, it is important to know that Nigeria is split informally by religion and poverty: The North is mostly under Sharia Law and deeply poverty stricken The South is mostly Christian and has wealth. Most of the oil is found in the South.
What does the name Boko Haram mean? The official name is Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’await wal-Jihad, which is Arabic for “People of the Sunnah (the practice and examples of the Prophet Muhamad’s life) for Preaching and Jihad Group.” Basically, Boko Haram means that “Western education is forbidden” or sin in the Hausa language, one of the 500 languages spoken in Northern Nigeria.
Who are the Boko Haram? They are an Islamic fundamentalist group who seek to achieve justice for the poor through strict, intrusive application of Sharia law (Islamic law). The group wasn’t always this deadly. Their former leader was executed extra judiciously by police in 2009 which sparked extreme violence thereafter.
Former Leader Ustaz Mohammed Yusuf Credited with founding the Boko Haram but rather, he picked up where his father left off.
Yusuf was a complicated fellow… He rejected Western education, culture and modern science and yet He read from the British Encyclopedia He enjoyed exotic cars He enjoyed technological advances, especially in communication equipment He sought out the best medical services for himself
Leadership after Yusuf The present leader is Abubakar Shekau. The face that many people see in videos is this man, Mohammed Bashir. They are NOT one in the same, though they look very similar.
The Boko Haram’s Reign of Terror Shortly after Yusuf’s execution in 2009 violence erupted in many forms: Torture- tying men’s arms and legs together and leaving them in the sun, beating with sticks, threatening and wounding with machetes Bombings Hit and run raids of towns and villages, killing all who won’t convert to their brand of Sharia law. Burning towns and schools Killing of Christians and moderate Muslims
What Happens When Boko Haram Takes Over a Town Indoctrination or…Execution
Reign of Terror Towards Women and Children There have been at least 2,000 women and girls kidnapped since Many are forced into marriages and sexual slavery to Boko Haram’s fighters. The are trained to fight other women and girls because the Boko Haram claims that they do not fight women! They are also used as human shields. There have been reports of girls forced to act as suicide bombers in their own hometowns. They are told to kill their parents. Here is a story of a teen girl who escaped the Boko Haram when they came to the Chibok Government Girls Secondary School.
The “Lucky” Ones People have escaped the Boko Haram. But then what?
More on Displacement There are an estimated 1 million people displaced within Nigeria because of Boko Haram Thousands have fled to neighboring countries. An estimated 74,000 have fled to the neighboring country of Cameroon alone. In Yola, capital of Adamawa State in NE Nigeria, St. Theresa Roman Catholic Church is housing about 2700 people, Christians and Muslims alike, giving them a place to sleep, and distributes food, clothing and mattresses. The Muslim Council helps there too.
So Who is Fighting Back? Some members in the military in NE Nigeria have sometimes taken advantage of the situation by interrogating and killing civilians who were suspected of being a part of the Boko Haram. Their heavy handed response to the uprisings in different cities have caused alarm among peoples. It’s hard to know who to trust. In this video, we’ll see a journalist visit the 103 rd Battalion in Maiduguri. These troops seem to be handling things in the right way. Warning: Expletive language in a few instances.
Nigerian Government Under Ousted President Goodluck Jonathan Derelict handling of known hotspots and flashpoints Reluctance to unmask influential sponsors and backers of extremists Did not act when Boko Haram itself warned that they were coming to specific targeted areas Did not assist with evacuation and transport of peoples to other areas Poor funding and organization of efficient intelligence services Has failed to put human rights at the top of its agenda Has failed to criminalize torture Lack of political will Has not attended to poverty, inequality or environmental concerns Nigeria’s President Elect- Muhammadu Buhari
There Have Been Many Developments of Late So far, 677 women and girls who were kidnapped by the Boko Haram have been rescued. Of the 234 women and girls who were rescued on April 30, 2015, 214 of them are pregnant. Some of the women who have been rescued report that Boko Haram militants are running out of ammunition and gasoline, making it hard to advance or defend strongholds. The Nigerian military is closing in on the last stronghold but are advancing slowly because of landmines. Aid has arrived in Nigeria for the rescued women and girls.
What Can We As Christians Do From Here? First, we must recognize that the atrocities in Nigeria happened within a corrupt government led by a Christian president. Acknowledge that oppression of many kinds has occurred and is occurring under the guise of Christianity. Turn to your neighbor, see how many you can name. Remember that we live in a nation that shares many ethnic and religious backgrounds and, that all citizens share rights and privileges regarding the practice of (or from) religion under the First Amendment of our U.S. Constitution. Do our homework regarding Islam. We must be mindful of what or who we allow to inform us regarding Muslim practices. If we encounter a person of a different faith, be the Christian example that Jesus expects from us. How we go about doing this?
Where can we find help in Scripture? Remember the story of the Good Samaritan? Luke 10: The man who needed help (neighbor) was a different religion and race than the Samaritan. Differences should not keep us from compassion, mercy and love for our neighbor. What about loving your neighbor as yourself? See Mark 12:31 What does this mean to you? Take a moment with your neighbor and think of ways to extend love to your neighbors who may not believe, behave, or live like you do. In Exodus 22:21, the writer speaks against oppressing the stranger. We must remember that our heritage was Gentile and that we entered on a plea. We may still find ourselves waiting for entrance, feeling the weight of oppression. Why would we want others to feel that way?
So Now That We’re Working on Our Attitudes, What Comes Next? ADVOCACY! Support those who advocate for justice, good governance and equity on an international level. Let your voice be your vote. Vote for individuals who have expressed a desire for interfaith and intercultural relationships. If individuals have not spoken about these issues, make it your business to find out. What are the resources in your neighborhood? Where are the places you can show up and counter Islamophobia or other religious or cultural phobias? What have you seen that has worked in your community?
Thank you for your kind attention and participation. I’d like to leave you with a blessing. 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 (NASB): Now may our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal comfort and good hope by grace, comfort and strengthen your hearts in every good work and word.