Our Vision – Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments
Commemorative Certificates with Collegiate Emblems Lou Saadi, Ph.D. Interim Director and Acting State Registrar Bureau of Public Health Informatics Division of Health Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environment Some Vital Records Offices issue commemorative/heirloom certificates Oklahoma Heirloom Birth Certificate
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environment Source of Funds? Some States indicate heirloom certificates do not make significant $$ but OK has had good experience with the Native Oklahoman certificate Most of us are suffering declines in income and need to be creative in raising additional funds Mostly feel good PR item—we can tap into the scrapbook phenomenon to generate new revenue
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environment One idea…Collegiate commemorative certificates Idea posed by OK in discussion Kansas is proposing to develop collegiate commemorative certificates since these since there is considerable fan loyalty (Rockchalk Jayhawk!!!) Several issues have to be addressed
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environment Issues to Address Assuring that the certificates cannot be used for official purposes Crafting the certificates such that they are unique and not reproducible on home computers How to get university cooperation What to charge How to market
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environment Issues to Address This is a revenue generator for all parties. Universities have royalty requirements Unique art must be utilized Need to be inclusive so one school is not slighted—we tend to focus on the larger schools but smaller ones have a “fan” base as well.
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environment Approach Contacted the Kansas Board of Regents during a budget officer meeting. The opportunity for revenue got their attention! Each university has their own way to address marketing, etc. Their alumni associations play a role and can do some of the work Some universities have individual royalty requirements---KU 10% of sales price—share this in the marketing—that the university will benefit Agree on the amount of information to be available on the certificates
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environment
Other ideas/considerations??
Our Vision – Healthy Kansans Living in Safe and Sustainable Environment Contact Information Lou Saadi, Ph.D. Interim Director and Acting State Registrar Bureau of Public Health Informatics Division of Health Kansas Department of Health and Environment Curtis State Office Building 1000 SW Jackson Street, Suite 1300 Topeka, Kansas Phone: (785) (F) (785)
Our Vision – Healthy Kansas Living in Safe and Sustainable Environments