CDISC CEN/TC251 GS1 HL7 IHTSDO ISO/TC215 Joint Initiative on SDO Global Health Informatics Standardization Joint Initiative Meeting Model
Joint Initiative on SDO Global Health Informatics Standardization CDISC CEN/TC251 GS1 HL7 IHTSDO ISO/TC215 New meeting model Joint Initiative Open forum – The purpose of the Open Forum is to share information. There will be reports on joint work, reports from the Joint Initiative Council and reports from the Joint Working Group. Joint Initiative Harmonization track – The Joint Working Group (JWG) Harmonization Track provides working group convenors, technical chairs and work item leads the opportunity to address balloting, lead and expert participant assignments, intellectual property and other process issues for planned or in progress Joint Initiative Work Items and an opportunity to propose new joint work items with input and feedback provided from each of the participating Joint Initiative SDO’s. Joint Initiative Council – The council decides on membership, new joint work and issues regarding joint work
Joint Initiative on SDO Global Health Informatics Standardization CDISC CEN/TC251 GS1 HL7 IHTSDO ISO/TC215 Members Health Informatics