Electron physics object tutorial C. Charlot / LLR Automn08 tutorials, 14 oct. 2008
2 Introduce the algorithms and their parameters Electron sequence objects data structure and content How to read the electron collection Electron ID modules Disclaimer CMSSW 21x Isolation not covered Scope
3 Electrons in CMS Electrons are caracterized by a high E T SuperCluster matched in position and momentum with a track Electron object can be more complicated due to showering in the traker material Several subclusters (grouped into a supercluster) Eventualy several tracks from photon conversions « showering electron » brem’d initial e- Electron object therefore has a particle behaviour is a composed object handles combined information
4 Electron reconstruction sequence Super Cluster Trajectory Seed Seeding: - Std track seeds - SC driven pixel match filter - E T, H/E Electron TrackCandidate Electron Seed Electron Gsf track GsfElectron Trajectory building: - CTF builder - Electron loss modeling - No Chi2 cut - Reduced #candidates/layer Gsf track fit: - Electron loss modeling - Mode of the gaussian mixture used for p ele - Brem fraction Preselection: - E/p - dEta, dPhi Amb. resolution
5 Electron seeding Electron seed reconstruction starts from standard tracker seeds and superclusters Filtered by E T and H/E Pixel match filter applied on standard tracker seeds Match the first hit backpropagating from supercluster E T and position to the beam spot Large windowz (z spread) E T dependent phi window Match the second hit propagating from the matched first hit up to the second hit layer Tight windows
6 Electron seed object reco:ElectronPixelSeed TrajectorySeed A TrajectorySeed contains: a TSOS By convention defined on the outermost layer a vector of RecHits a propagation direction An ElectronPixelSeed adds: Ref to SuperCluster reco:SuperCluster 1 Unlike TrajectorySeeds, ElectronPixelSeeds are stored in RECO data tier
7 Electron tracking Electron reconstruction uses Ckf trajectory building with dedicated propagators and parameters Energy loss modeling No Chi2 cut Reduced number of candidates per layer Gsf fit is used to evaluate track parameters Energy loss modeling Multicomponent TSOS Further electron reconstruction makes use of mode estimate gsfElectronCkfTrackCandidateMaker_cff.py
8 Gsf track object reco:GsfTrack reco:Track A Ttrack contains (see Tracking tutorial): Ref. position on the track Momentum at this position 5D curvilinear covariance matrix from the fit Charge, Chi2 and ndof Hit patterns (in which layers the track has hits) Through the TrackExtra (only in RECO) Inner and outer track parameters with covariance matrix A reference to the TrajectorySeed Vector of Refs to RecHits a propagation direction A GsfTrack adds: Charge, momentum and momentum covariance from mode reco:GsfTrackExtra 1 GsfTrackExtra is the standard « extra » track extension for the GsfTrack Inner and outer multicomponent states
9 Electron preselection GsfElectrons are constructed from a reconstructed GsfTrack and a loose association with it’s corresponding supercluster Associated at the electron seeding stage The supercluster-gsf track preselection is loose so to keep high efficiency at the RECO stage Compatible with affordable fake rate Purity can be increased at a later stage applying electron ID Preselection is based on Supercluster E T Delta eta between the SC position and track extrapolation Delta phi between the SC position and track extrapolation E/P H/E
10 Electron preselection Preselection parameters defined in pixelMatchgsfElectrons_cfi.py
11 Electron Object GsfElectron GsfTrackSuperCluster GsfTrackExtraBasicCluster Candidate n1 Particle behaviour (q, p4,...), PhysTools Matching and ID variables, refs to constituants
12 Electron Object Particle properties pdgid, 4- momentum, charge,... References to constituant SC and Gsf track Matching and eID variables Track extrapolation to ECAL,..
13 Electron object Particle interface (vertex, momentum, charge, mass,..) Vertex position is the CPA to the beam spot trackMomentumAtVertex from GsfElectron ≠ momentum from Gsf track GsfElectron:: trackMomentumAtVertex() gives mode estimate, GsfTrack::momentum() provides mean estimate momentum(), p4(), pt() uses the momentum magnitude from E-p combination direction always given by the GsfTrack parameters charge is given by the GsfTrack
14 Electron object Track-Cluster match and ID variables Track parameters are extrapolated to the ECAL in all cases Can be extrapolated from the innermost track measurement toward the SC position eSuperclusterOverP(), deltaEtaSuperClusterAtVtx(), deltaPhiSuperClusterAtVtx() Or extrapolated from the outermost track measurement toward the seed BC position eSeedOverPout(), deltaEtaSeedClusterAtCalo(), deltaPhiSeedClusterAtCalo() HadOverEm() Ratio of hadronic energy in tower just behind the SC over the SC energy Shower length variable, not hadronic isolation
15 Electron object Electron corrections caloEnergy() returns corrected superCluster energy when electron level scale corrections are turned on isEnergyScaleCorrected() to know if correction was applied default is off (done at the superCluster level) momentum() returns the momentum estimate from the E-p combination isMomentumCorrected() to know if correction was applied default is on
16 Electron classes & errors Electron algorithm makes use and provides a definition of electron categories derived from the SC-track pattern and measurement quality (bremsstrahlung) 4 basic categories: golden, narrow, big-brem, showering (from the mostly non radiating to the mostly more radiating) + basic EB/EE separation and a category for all electrons in crack (EB/EE transition region) and gaps (EB eta gaps only) Access to electron class through int GsfElectron::classification(); 0 : golden EB 10: big-brem EB 20: narrow EB 30,31,32,..: showering EB with nbrem = 0,1,2,.. 40: crack and gaps class += 100: same for EE Errors on E measurement derived from classification + momentum error from the fit float caloEnergyError(), trackMomentumError()
17 Electron Collections Main collection recoGsfElectrons_pixelMatchGsfElectrons__RECO (object type) ( producer) (process) root [0] TFile::Open(’’rfio:/castor/cern.ch/cms/store/..../reco.root’’) root [1] TBrowser b
18 Electron Collections
19 Example reading code See RecoEgamma/Examples/test/GsfElectronMCAnalyzer_cfg.py runs a module that reads the electron collection and produces histograms in a root file makes use of MC truth
20 Electron ID Configurable tool based on PhysicsTools available to perform electron ID RecoEgamma/ElectronIdentification Seeveral algorithms are available: cut based (no categories), cut based (3 categories), cut based (electron classes), likelihood, neural net For the cut based approaches, configuration specified in files RecoEgamma/ElectronIdentification/python/cutBasedElectronId_cfi.py RecoEgamma/ElectronIdentification/python/ptdrElectronId_cfi.py The following can be specified in these config files: loose or tight electron quality for the cut based eID no categories and 3 categories Loose, medium or tight electron quality for the cut based eID using electron classes List of discriminating variables to be used (cut based eID using electron classes) Individual cut values In the standard sequence, cut based (no categories) and cut based (3 categories) are run and provide a collection of references to the GsfElectron collection
21 Electron ID runElectronID.cfg under /test runs the electronId modules and outputs a root tree: More in (Roberto Salerno)
22 Further references SWGuide Workbook Electron DataFormats mma mma Feedback most welcome on usage & documentation