Cedars work on metadata Michael Day UKOLN, University of Bath Cedars Workshop Manchester, February 2002
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 Presentation overview Metadata and digital preservation Cedars work on metadata –Metadata review –OAIS model –Cedars outline metadata specification Some related work
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 Preservation metadata (1) Digital preservation strategies: Technology preservation Emulation Migration etc... All strategies depend to some extent on the creation and maintenance of metadata
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 Preservation metadata (2) Within a digital repository, “metadata accompanies and makes reference to each digital object and provides associated descriptive, structural, administrative, rights management, and other kinds of information.” (Clifford Lynch, 1999)
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 Cedars work on metadata Review of preservation metadata initiatives (1998) –OAIS, PANDORA, Pittsburgh Project, RLG Working Group, UPF, etc. Draft outline metadata specification (2000) –General framework taken from the ISO Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS)
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 The OAIS model (1) Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS): –Consultative Committee on Space Data Systems (CCSDS) –Red Book, Issue 2 (June 2001) –ISO DIS –High-level reference model –a basis for conformance –NOT a blueprint or system architecture
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 The OAIS model (2) An OAIS: –An organisation of people and systems that have “accepted the responsibility to preserve information and make it available for a Designated Community” –Establishes a common framework of terms and concepts which comprise an OAIS –Functional model & information model
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 The OAIS model (3) Administration Ingest Archival Storage Access Data Management Descriptive info. AIP PRODUCERPRODUCER CONSUMERCONSUMER SIP DIP MANAGEMENT queries result sets Descriptive info. Preservation Planning orders OAIS Functional Entities (Figure 4-1)
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 The OAIS model (4) Information model: –Information Object (basic concept) –Data Object (bit-stream) –Representation Information (permits “the full interpretation of Data Object into meaningful information”) –Information Object Classes –Content Information –Preservation Description Information (PDI) –Packaging Information –Descriptive Information
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 The OAIS model (5) Information model (continued): –Information package: –Container that encapsulates Content Information and PDI –Packages for submission (SIP), archival storage (AIP) and dissemination (DIP) –AIP = “... a concise way of referring to a set of information that has, in principle, all of the qualities needed for permanent, or indefinite, Long Term Preservation of a designated Information Object”
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 The OAIS model (6) Archival Information Package (AIP): –Content Information –Original target of preservation –Information Object (Data Object & Representation Information) –Preservation Description Information (PDI) –other information (metadata) “which will allow the understanding of the Content Information over an indefinite period of time” –A set of Information Objects –Based on categories discussed in CPA/RLG report: Preserving Digital Information (1996)
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 Preservation Description Information Reference Information Provenance Information Context Information Fixity Information Preservation Description Information: The OAIS model (7) PDI Preservation Description Information (Figure 4-16)
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 Cedars metadata (1) Metadata for digital preservation: the Cedars project outline specification –Cedars project team and UKOLN –Published, March 2000 –Broadly based on general framework of OAIS information model –An outline specification Overview...
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 Cedars metadata (2) Preservation Description Information –Reference Information –Resource Description e.g., Title, Creator,... –Existing metadata –Context Information –Related Information Objects
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 Cedars metadata (3) –Provenance Information –History of Origin Reason for creation, custody history, original technical environments, etc. –Management History Ingest, actions, etc. –Rights Management Publisher details, permitted actions, etc. –Fixity Information –Authentication indicator
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 Cedars metadata (3) Content Information –Representation Information –Structure Information (transforming Data Object into structured set of components) Underlying Abstract Form description Transformer Objects Render/Analyse/Convert Objects –Semantic Information (mechanisms that allow the specific Data Object to be rendered) Render/Analyse Objects –Data Object (preserved byte-stream)
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 Related work (1) National Library of Australia –PANDORA project (1996- ) –Preservation metadata for digital collections (October 1999) NEDLIB project –OAIS-based core metadata schema (2000) OCLC and RLG –Preservation Metadata Working Group (2000- ) –White paper (2001) + recommendations
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 Related work (2) Digitisation initiatives –NISO Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images (draft, 2001) –Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard (METS) Recordkeeping metadata initiatives –Australian Recordkeeping Metadata Schema (RKMS) –Archiving Metadata Forum
Cedars Workshop, Manchester, February 2002 Acknowledgements UKOLN is funded by Resource: the Council for Museums, Archives and Libraries, the Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) of the UK higher and further education funding councils, as well as by project funding from the JISC and the European Union. UKOLN also receives support from the University of Bath, where it is based.